Tuesday, March 29, 2005

i'm on spring break. what does that mean for me?

things that im currently annoyed with:
- aspects of family life
- arnold
- jury duty- its existence at the worst time.
- terri schiavo "tragedy'. seriously, people die like this every day, and families go through this every day. this is just such political bullshit. i could say a lot of really insensitive things here, and i'd like to, but i won't.
- doing my taxes
- lack of money
- the rain. you all know me. i freakin' love the rain. but enough's enough.
- thriller-horror movies! i hate the ring and the grudge for earning so much money that everyone and their mother is making a horror movie.
- those yellow "support the troops" ribbons on every toyota camry on the planet.
- that we still have not gotten the new prefuse 73 album in to kscu.
- looking for a new place to live! every place i near fall in love with falls through! and craigs list is banned at work so i cannot search daily and GRRR. gosh darnit.
- sugar, for being fattening. :) haha. okay now im just bein' silly.

things im currently diggin' on:
- my boy (duh i state the obvious)
- making mix tapes. i re-fell-in-love with my music collection again this weekend. seriously... making a mixtape was so much more enjoyable then making a mix cd. especially since my computer likes to freeze and crash on me when i do try. i found so many songs that i'd forgotten how amazing they were.
- new surge of indie flicks. millions. melinda and melinda. the ballad of jack and rose. ong bak. d.e.b.s. hahaha. just checking!
- new hood record. and caribou, the new project of dan snaith's (manitoba). its only three songs, but the opening cut is super good.
- making plans to go out and go to shows and completely NOT GOING TO ANY OF THEM. i admit it. i have kinda been likin' it. i am a bum. go on. say it.
- rootbeer. i used to HATE rootbeer. i remember id get super annoyed when i'd ask for dr. pepper and they'd say, "oh we dont have dr. pepper. but we have ROOTBEER". what? like that's the same thing? but any way, i love me some rootbeer.
- virtual bowling. seriously pretty rad. but its a workout.
- chocolate milkshakes. yum yum.
- being an aunt. i will be the best aunt in the freakin' world. you know the kind where the child loves me more than their mom. oh im just kidding rachel.
- spending some of my time off, screwing around in the city. i just wanna walk around as much as i can. explore. at least one day.

now playing: caribou- yeti

Friday, March 25, 2005


its friday. im thrilled. im off at two. go see millions. the new danny boyle movie. its really cute and motivating. ok. im out.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005

hoootiee whoo............. make ya wanna shake sumptin

heh. the young folks i work with are funny. i just called one to let her know there was no meeting today and she answered the phone while she was in class. i could hear the teacher lecturing about cells or something. funnnnny.

i am super awake right now and proud of myself because its all natural.... NO CAFFIENE. that doesnt mean i dont want some right now. im thinking about going next door to expresso garden and gettin an iced chai and one of those bomb ass oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. so fucking good. lorna is bringing me a bagel so that also makes me happy, but i want some sugar. suuuuuuuuugar.

ok. so on to more important things. things by the name of tony soprano. i love this fucking man. i know he's ficticious, but i seriously love him. i havent put a ton of thought into this; im just going off the top of my head and thinking about some of the first season episodes ive seen again lately. but here goes... top ten reasons/things i love/things that make me happy about tony soprano.

1. his angry fits... you know. YOU KNOW. i know the man is angry a lot, but i mean specifically when someone does that little bit to push him over the edge. and usually.. which makes it all the more better... its a female in his life: carmela, dr. melfi, his mother, his sister. its all too good.

2. his facial expressions. they are fucking classic.

3. his interaction with uncle junior. i love both these guys. uncle junior is the most adorable old man on the planet.

4. tony and the ducks. just how his face lights up over these god-damned ducks. he talks about the ducks in therapy!! then when they dont come back, and he gets all depressed. he's a softie!

5. he's always eating. granted, he's italian. he's a big man. but its just cute. i like when he make
image previews sandwiches, or in the last season when him and carmela are split up when he comes over to go swimming and eat something.

6. sorry if this weirds anyone out, but i love his belly and when he's all lazy lounge guy. i dont know. i know im weird, but its kinda sexy. ahahahhaa. sorry im weird. thank goodness hardly anyone reads this.

7. his snips and quips. i bow before.

8. when he tries to use advice from dr. melfi. especially with his family. he always seems awkward... but its usually pretty funny because of the situations he uses it in. all the tony and aj stuff is awesome.

9. tony soprano... head of the family. he's a freakin badass regardless of all the other things listed above that i love. and of course there's always something sexy about a man in charge.

10. tony with his boys. one bit in particular i love is the whole painting of tony w/ the horse and how paulie gets it re-touched and he's all general-esque.
im sure there is probably stuff im forgetting, but thats what i've thought about so far.

new season... when again? and when the heck are new episodes of six feet under already? i need some new hbo shows.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

to blog politics or not to....

normally im not one to rant about politics, though if you were to ask my opinions i would gladly give it. just because someone doesnt wear their politics on their sleeve doesnt mean they dont care about things and act on them. i think i go both ways. i dont hardcore push agendas at people, but yes i am the type of person who comments back to slanted news storys and says argumentative things about certain political figures. there is one in particular lately that has driven me to wax poetics on politics. mr. arnold, our governor. he's someone i DID NOT vote for. thats right, i voted no on the re-call because i really did not want him to be in charge of california.

because of the work i do, i have a strong partnership and tie to the schools in the communities i work in. i work with more than 10 different high schools throughout santa clara county. the students i work with matter to me. lets face it, california's educational system is shit. we are ranked 44 of the 50 states based on the quality of education provided to students. only six states have a worse educational system than california. supposedly california schools is given money from the local property tax, and the lottery. well the lottery only provides about 1-2 dollars per 100 that is made. thats not much. in california about 6,258 dollars goes to each student, but in new york 11,588 dollars goes to each student. thats nearly double what california spends on their students.

my students lately have been telling me how all their elective courses at their schools are being cut. silver creek students have told me their class periods are being cut from 6 to 5 and there will be fewer breaks throughout the day with longer class periods. the school district we mostly work with, east side union, has given our more than 500 pink slips to their teachers.

then we have arnie... good ol' fucking arnie... borrowing a ton of money from education then refusing to pay it back. back in 1988 prop. 98 was passed that guarantees 40% of california's budget be devoted to education... like that happens any way... and now... arnold is trying to pass an initiative that revokes the requirement. lets not forget that the majority of cuts are occuring in the poorest schools. not the lil' blue ribbon schools. of course not. lets cut hardcore from the school's that actually need the money and give the rest of the school's execs pay raises. sorry. below the belt. whatever. this is just fucking ridiculous. this whole pension cutting thing too... i mean, i get the idea behind it, but its just more of the same. instead of holding huge corporations ceo's accountable for whatever shady business tactics they currently practice, they are going after low-level, line-working people in the community, like educators, police officers, firemen, state workers, etc WORKING CLASS PEOPLE..(enron and worldcom cost teachers and schools millions of dollars too). and how he referrs to people in this group as "special interest".. thats a pretty big slap in the face. i dont know where he gets off saying that people are either "for the kids or special interests". please. who has more special interests, ... arnold fucking schwarzenegger or teachers and nurses?

so i was supposed to go to piedmont high school for a meeting for our health advocacy group... but this prevented us:
East Side Union students stage walkout

Mercury News

Hundreds of students staged a coordinated walkout from five high schools in the financially struggling East Side Union High School District of San Jose this morning to protest the potential pink-slipping of hundreds of teachers and staff.

More than 100 students were seen on the sidewalk out in front of Piedmont Hills High School, 1337 Piedmont Road, just before 9 a.m. One 17-year-old girl was cited and released to her parents after allegedly assaulting the school's principal, San Jose police Officer Enrique Garcia said.

Other than that, the protests were apparently orderly, officials said. "They're not out of control or anything,'' Garcia said.

The other high schools reportedly involved in the walkout were James Lick, 57 N. White Road, and Oak Grove, 285 Blossom Hill Road, Independence, 1776 Educational Park Drive, Mount Pleasant, 1750 S. White Road, officials said.

District Superintendent Esperanza Zendejas said the students were back in their classrooms by about 10 a.m.

Zendejas said the administrators had been hearing rumors of a walkout for the past four days. She said she heard that at least 50 students were involved in the walkout at each of the schools.

Zendejas said the students have every right to be concerned about the potential layoffs, but that a walkout is counterproductive because the schools' funding from the state is tied to actual student "seat time.''

"There are appropriate ways to express their concerns, and walkouts are not one of them,'' she said. "It just deepens our problems.''

Zedejas said most teachers were "very helpful'' in keeping participation in the walkout down. But she added that she was concerned about reports from Mount Pleasant that some teachers encouraged students leave their classrooms to participate in the walkout.

"We are going to look at that because we cannot have teachers having students get involved in walkouts,'' Zendejas said. "However, we are sensitive to the concerns that the students are voicing.''

Several school principals met with the students and promised to set up an open microphone at lunchtime to let students speak their minds, Zendejas said.

The district will have to get tough with the girl who cited for assault, she said.

The district mailed out layoff notices to more than 500 teachers last week to warn them that many of their jobs might be in jeopardy unless district officials can somehow come up with some other way of managing the unprecedented fiscal crisis.

Officials say they hope to hold actual layoffs to less than 200. Final notices must be sent out to those who must go by May 15.

East Side Union is Santa Clara County's second-largest school district, serving about 24,000 students in San Jose. It has projected a deficit of about $10 million next year, leading teachers and administrators to spar over how to close the gap.

Teachers want the district to tap into land-sale funds; administrators want teachers to forgo a cost-of-living increase and accept a cap on health benefits. The crisis was set off in part by district voters' rejection of a parcel tax measure last fall.

yeah. so thats what ive been thinking about today and the past couple weeks. this is shitty.

other random thoughts not relating to politics:
*when was it okay to start playing "flagpole sitta"- harvey danger again on the radio?
*the bloodhoud gang song, "the bad touch" is freakin awesome. who has it and wants to burn it for me?
*i really enjoy live 105's rewind at noon. oingo boingo while driving to get korean food made me quite happy.
*i hate that moby has a new album out. dude is annoying.

now listening to: prefuse 73- vocal studies + uprock narratives

Monday, March 21, 2005

its all happening!

so. there's so many things i wanna go to this week. its carazeeeeee. and i just visited the popscene website and discovered just how many things i wanna go to. check it:

Thursday, March 24th :: POPSCENE'S 9 Year Anniversary Week continues with BLOC PARTY Erase Errata http://www.blocparty.com
One of the best new bands from the U.K. will be gracing the stage with their presence. Bloc Party's single "Banquet"has been making all the kids dance at popscene and their show is going to BRING IT. Opening for them are local art rockers ERASE ERRATA.THERE ARE NO ADVANCE TICKETS FOR THIS SHOW.All tickets are at the door, $8 cover charge.We will be open from 9 pm to 3 am this night.Click on the image to see the flyer.We will be issuing vouchers to people in line early to guarantee entrance.

Saturday, March 26th ::L E I S U R E
The party for everyone that remembers the first time... Aaron and Omar spin classic '90's brit-pop, indie rock, madchester. 60's mod tunes and other good stuff.At the
Cherry Bar917 Folsom Street21+, $5 coverFrom 10 pm to 2 AM

Monday, March 28th :: POPSCENE PRESENTS DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979 Controller Controller http://www.deathfromabove1979.com
If you haven't heard their album yet, you must definitely check it out - its a sonic punch to the gut that you will actually enjoy.Advance tickets are available off the webiste for the Independent .The Independent628 Divisidero StreetDoors at 7:30. show at 8 PMTickets are $10 advance, $12 at the door.

while i'd love to go to all of these... in reality, i see myself maybe making it to popscene this thursday. ideally, saturday would include, subbing justin's show from 6-9. hightail it to see stars and then id probably try to sneak over to leisure, cuz well.. it rules. and the ONLY reason i wouldnt be at the controller.controller gig is because its at the independent which is a pain in the ass to get to and its 12 bucks! thats too much. im sorry. although controller.controller is really rad live. super DANCEY!

plus, if all goes as planned and im somehow able to get on the list for the kaiser chiefs on tuesday, i will be doing that as well!!!! who wants to go?

alright. im out for now. my coffee wore off. although, i will be back later in full force to go off about one of the following things: the ring 2, our stupid governor, or why i love tony soprano. in a sexy way. :) ahahahhahaha. im loopy.


now listening: the cyanide valentine- let it rot (oh how i love previewing records)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

happy drink green beer day!

yummy! a day to drink beer of any kind is a-okay in my book. im hella wearing green today. best showing of green is of course my green super mario brothers dimple toed-shoes. with my lil' toad's. you know, that reminds me, that i never really liked super mario brothers 2 all that much. i freakin loved 3, but two, nah.

so any way. not sure what im gonna be doing tonite, but there are a couple irish pubs within walking distance of my house. i guess thats a possibility, but who knows. every year that ive tried going out on st. pattys day is just way too crazy. i dont really like being at crowded ass bars that i cant move in, or dealing with tons of cops everywhere and having a sober driver and all that ccrrap. though, i use the sliver of irish in my euro-mutt-self as an excuse to drink beer. not that i need one for this day, no one else does. actually in general i dont need an excuse, but its always nice to have one. :)

its weird knowing that im going to be an aunt in less than four months. crazyness. my sister and her belly are going to come and visit me next weekend. i cant wait to see her fat belly. she just informed me that she now has an outtie. hah.

alright. hope ya'll have a fun and safe st. pattys day. and dont try to dye guiness green. your mouth will be green for days. days. besides, drinking an irish beer today is good enough.

now fucking loving: mars volta- de-loused in the comatorium. oooheeee.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

funeral songs.

i found this interesting.

The top 10 favorite funeral songs in Europe:
  1. Queen's "The Show Must Go On"
  2. Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"
  3. AC/DC's "Highway to Hell"
  4. Frank Sinatra's "My Way"
  5. Mozart's "Requiem"
  6. Robbie Williams' "Angels"
  7. Queen's "Who Wants to Live Forever"
  8. The Beatles's "Let It Be"
  9. Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters"
  10. U2's "With or Without You"

fucking tired.

i got about two hours of sleep last nite and i have to give my presentation around 1:30. chances are that i wont even realize im giving a presentation because i'll be THAT out of it. here's hoping thats true.

Monday, March 14, 2005

the art of procrastination.

i have it perfected. i was studying for awhile this morning for my midterm this afternoon. then i started messing around with the layout of my blog and changing colors and editing and all this utter nonsense!!! so here it is... almost 11:30. i feel confident about my midterm. i do. but i could have spent the last hour or so on my powerpoint slides for my presentation on wednesday. while i contemplate how i should be doing that now instead of posting on here, i go straight to my explanation of how i have two more full days to work on it and that i am going to finish them up tonite after i get home from class.

its true. i will probably work on it for an hour or two tonite. ;)

been listening to some good-new stuff today. some clouddead (oldie but goodie). sage francis. m.i.a. i need to bring some blank cds down here to burn some stuff. its been so long since ive burned/bought new music for myself... theres much to catch up on.

any recommendations?

now playing: m.i.a.- arular


dear you know who...

now playing: sage francis: a healthy distrust.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

is there still meaning in the mix-tape?

who loves the kings of convenience?

the three cds i brought in from my car into work today are the following: kings of convenience- riot on an empty street, keane- hopes and fears, and her space holiday- the young machines. three cds containing songs about love and heartbreak. three of my ultimate faves. especially her space holiday, as you all know. any way... this kings of convenience record inspires me to make a mix-tape of love songs. which would include the cure song, "trust". speaking of mix-tapes... is that a dying art form? is it an art form? is it a means to communicate something? love? friendship? anger? happiness? breakups? sadness? has the romanticsm of mix-tapes gone away? are mix cds the equivalent to a mix-tape? i know its not for me. im a girl without an ipod. i have no ibook. i dont download songs to my ancient computer. i dont even know what websites to do that from. my cd burner barely works. it gives me anxiety attacks to use. so i guess in the sense of what mixtapes mean, i am still a believer. im an old school romantic in that sense.

if i were to make a mixtape right now, this is who would be on it:
kings of convenience, the cure, her space holiday, arcade fire, magnetic fields, camera obscura, boom bip, gravenhurst, m83, the concretes, dntel, legends, neko case, lali puna, clouddead, the postal service, the album leaf, keane, modern english, when in rome (yes, the promise would be on there damnit).

maybe i will try to make at least a couple of mixtapes a month. either for my own enjoyment... but most likely for other people i love. if i made you a mixtape, would you play it?

hopelessly old-school romantic,

now playing: (not on a tape deck, but in my cd rom drive): kings of convenience- riot on an empty street ..... how much do you love erlend oye?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

ghetto breakfast.

coke and poptarts. thats my breakfast. its a vending machine breakfast. i know its ghetto but im hungry. so i fell asleep last nite at like 9. i feel well-rested. and ive just decided that im going to keep a bag packed in my car at all times. i just dont ever feel like driving home these days. i LOOOOOOOOOVE my place. and there's always stuff for me to do there, but i feel like driving up there less and less every day. so i packed a bag that has enough clothes for at least three days if i need it. repeating jean-wearage though. :)

so no kings of convenience show for me tonite. :( and probably no futureheads this week either. :( blows. its my own fault. i didnt buy tickets in time. on top of that, im not in the mood EVER to bug promoters about tickets for shows anymore. its like id almost rather ask for other people then for myself. although, i plan on asking for maybe one of the atmosphere shows... and perhaps some other ones coming up. afterall, i only have about four months left of the music director position, so i gotta get in my last perks.

netscape has this posted on their homepage. ten foods you should NEVER eat.

1. Quaker 100% Natural Oats & Honey Granola
A half cup of these is coated with three teaspoons of sugar and laden with more artery clogging fat than you'd get in a McDonald's hamburger. Better choices are, Grape Nuts, Wheaties, Kellogg's All-Bran, Post 100% Bran,shredded wheat, or oatmeal.

2. Bugles
These are fried in highly saturated coconut oil. This is about twice as saturated as lard. One serving (just over a cup) gives you 40% of your daily limit of saturated fat. Baked Bugles or tortilla chips are a much better choice.

3. Buitoni Contadina Alfredo Sauce
Does a third of a stick of butter sound good for you? That is how much is in this sauce.Try Classico Spicy Red Pepper, Tomato & Basil, Fire Roasted Tomato & Garlic, or any sauces from Healthy Choice or Ragu Light. Your arteries will thank you.

4. Pizza Hut's Big New Yorker Pizza
Is bigger really better? NO! Two slices of this pizza gives you almost a full day's saturated fat (17grams) and sodium(2.200mg), and 790 calories. And that's without sausage, pepperoni, or anything else. An entire Healthy Choice Supreme French Bread Pizza will only get you 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 580 mg of sodium and 330 calories.

5. Entenmann's Rich Frosted Donut (Variety pack size)
Is it possible than such a yummy snack can have as much artery clogging saturated and trans fat (10grams) as nine strips of bacon? It sure is! The Entenmann's Light Donuts are a better choice, with anywhere from six to nine grams of fat per donut. Though certainly not a healthy food, they are better than the regular ones.

6. Nissin Cup Noodles with Shrimp
These are pre-fried in palm oil, and will clog your arteries up the same as one and a half cups of whole milk. Fantastic Foods Chicken Free Ramen Noodles are a better pick in this department.

7. Burger King French Fries
This franchise makes some of the worst french fries you can buy at a fast food restaurant.They are even worse than McDonald's Super Size Fries. The salty coating allows more oil to be absorbed. A king size order of BK fries packs a punch with 590 calories and 30 grams of fat,12 of them artery clogging.

8. Campbell's red and white label condensed soups
Nothing like a hot bowl of soup on a cold day? True, but these have 1,100mg of sodium, about half the ideal quota for one day. Healthy Choice and Campbell's Healthy Request have less than half as much sodium without sacrificing any taste.

9. Frito Lay's Wow! Potato Chips
These are fried in Olean, the indigestible fat substitute. It doesn't provide any calories, but many have suffered such severe cramps or diarrhea that they had to go to the emergency room! It also prevents the body's absorption of carotenoids.Again, try baked potato or tortilla chips.

10. Denny's Grand Slam
2 eggs, 2 sausage links, 2 strips of bacon, and 2 pancakes. Sounds delicious right? Well, just listen to this. It contains three quarters of a day's total fat (50 grams) and saturated fat (14 grams), nearly a full day's sodium (2,240mg) and one and a half day's cholesterol (460mg). In contrast, the Denny's Slim Slam slashes the calories to 600, the fat to 12 grams, the saturated fat to 3 grams, and the cholesterol to a mere 35 mg.

at least poptarts didnt make the list. :) i dont actually eat any of these foods. i dont like burger king. i dont eat dennys eggs. though.. is cream of brocolli a red and white soup??? i do love that. mmmmmmmm. good.

got the new kills record on. two people. guy. girl. not the motherfucking white stripes, not even anything close. man... what a fucking sexy band. i saw them live last year at bottom of the hill... and they were hottttttttt. allison from discount.. woo you can barely tell its her. new one is alright thus far. live though... definitely a fucking whiskey nite. cuz you know... whiskey is like ghetto-sexy. :) errr or something. they just seem like a whiskey band. dont they?

nevermind. im going back to work! and to my coke for breakfast.

now playing: the kills- no wow

Monday, March 07, 2005

sleepy time. am i an old lady?

so its ten after 8. thats in the p.m. im watching one of my all-time favorite movies, beautiful girls. im getting ready for bed. taking my eye-make up off. btw--the new, oil free neutrogena eye makeup remover i bought the other day works fabulously. its left my skin all smooth and soft. any way. ive been home barely an hour... got home 'round 7. i ate my burrito dinner in the car, driving up.

is this sad? going to bed at--well, lets say by 8:30. having only been home an hour and a half... spent awake. am i a fucking old lady already? im not sick, so i cant use that excuse. i did go to bed late last nite, but still. i mean, its kinda pathetic right? consider this as well, i have spent the entire evening in/on my bed as well. though... this was because the other night i was super lazy and pushed my rolly-desk all the way up to my bed, so that i could use my computer while lying down. its actually pretty fucking rad. i can only imagine how nice a laptop would feel.

oh well. i know there are like a million things i could do, or should be doing, or want to do, like review some more cds, make a mix cd (i was feeling inspired listening to the cure on the ride home), watch dvds ive borrowed, etc etc etc. but i have no motivation. barely any energy. so instead of staying up and wasting time on myspace, i am going to go to bed.

well. ok. maybe i will try to stay awake through the movie. that puts me at like 9:30 at least.
love ya!

now watching: beautiful girls (hbo on demand---oh how i love thee)

Sunday, March 06, 2005

new music screening...i am mad talented!

so i am putting in some hard hours here at kscu. im actually even reviewing two cds at once. meaning i am listening to two different cds to do my picks at the exact same time. how do you do this? well you have to be crazy like me.. and swamped with stacks of cds that are threatening you cuz you can hear the bitch-ass promoters for each record yelling at you.. "nicole!! why the fuck isnt mogwai charting. ADAM GREEN.. hello... from the moldy peaches. but what about IDA?.. how's boom bip doing... dont you LOVE boom bip?" YES YES YES! arrrrrrrg. any way.

i do love boom bip.

no no no. the way to do two reviews at once... is by A) playing a cd that's instrumental or mostly instrumental.. and by B) playing another cd thats vocal heavy and that you're 99% positive is free of swearing. examples: 1) boom bip + ida 2)mogwai + adam green (i have naughty tracks already marked) 3) laurent garnier + mando diao.

skills i tell you. i hella got 'em.

any way.. of some of the records ive been rockin today.. i heart these new ones:

* boom bip
* minus story
* mando diao
* kaiser chiefs

does anyone else think mogwai is on the boring side? BORING.

now reviewing: mogwai- government commissions: bbc sessions 1996-2003

Thursday, March 03, 2005

spiderman is having me for dinner tonite.

so last night i went to sleep around 7:00 and i had set my alarm to wake up in time for the premiere of america's next top model, which started at 8:00. i remember waking up around 8:45 when they were eliminating some folks, but i just looked at the tv and went back to sleep. i then woke up at 4:00 in the morning, reset my alarm for 6:30 to get up for work. so i guess that means i got a total of 11 hours of sleep. boy did i need it. i was feeling really drained.

alright. so on my way home from work i listened to the new mars volta record.


i went after work to streetlight and picked it up. the clerk, someone i cant stand 90% of the time, was discussing the record w/ me. we were talking about the length, 5 songs equaling 77 minutes. last song = 39 minutes... etc, etc. i had the same concerns as him about it. but then he says, "it's pretty pretentious." i didnt think much of this comment coming from a xiu xiu fan.


it IS really fucking pretentious. and as much as i dont want to agree with this person, its true. i barely made it through a full time. where is cedric's voice? where is the fucking slamming drums and guitar? where is the structure? there's all this talk about the last song being 39 minutes, but the record is actually broken into 12 cuts, and the last song is just split up although it's really one long song. most of which is feedback, ambient bullshit.


and i had read the pitchfork hate review, but i ignored it because they hated deloused... but honestly, i dont know if i will even listen to it again. at least not for awhile. i felt pretty disappointed driving home. even on their radio shit, and let me tell you it will be the ONLY one off the album because the other stuff is just completely unfit for radio, any way, on "the widow" the radio version seems short for the band because they cut about 3 minutes off the track because it goes off into this noise feedback crap. and i dont mean the album is jammy in their live mars volta sort of sense (if you've heard the live ep they made you know what i mean). i just mean that there's nothing going on in these songs. NOTHING. it supposed to be a record made for their keyboardist who died a while ago, but i dont know. it just really doesnt do it for me. plus there's this reallly cheesy, bluesy kinda fucking clown song which is sung in spanish and its just fucking terrible. i dont get this at all.

another disappointment.

so i've switched it up and decided im on another cure kick. something thats never disappointing. ive been listening to my show cd pretty non-stop lately. "pictures of you", "lullaby", "trust" and "a night like this" are still up there for me. speaking of 80s stuff... blank club going down tonite. my return to health. although i am being designated dave, so i'll be limited on my 2 dollar pbr's. it's a special duran duran nite too, so im not sure what that will mean. either way, i need to go and hang and dance, it's overdue. we're hittin up the caravan ahead of time. maybe they'll be some one-armed men there to buy us some drinks.

btw-kevin smith's last day of co-hosting the alice morning show is tomorrow. i've caught most of it the last two days. its been oooookay. nothing really rad. lots of 80s songs being sung, and tons of vulgarthon plugs. i think it would be fun to go to that. its during my spring break (starts march 28th)! speaking of.. what am i going to do over spring break? i must do something since im pretty bummed about not going to sxsw. someone make some suggestions.

still workin on getting in for the kings of convienece show. im pretty sure i can get into the futureheads show. damn me for waiting last minute. there's a lot coming up in march and april. it should be my return to shows--i've kinda missed it.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

kscu outing.

so last night i, along with lots of other kscu djs and friends, went bowling.
i bowled a 150 & 137.
the end.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

frances the mute.

i am really really really happy. giddy even. for the first time in a very long time i am overly excited to go to a record store on the day an album comes out and actually buy a freakin' record. granted--the main reason for this is the new mars volta record didnt actually come into the station two weeks ago like it was supposed to. regardless... during lunch today i am going to hit up streetlight and get my copy of frances the mute.

honestly, i think mars volta could be my absolute favorite band right now. which seems like an odd paring, me and the mars volta--most people find it hard to believe i like them since i never really liked at the drive in. although, two totally different bands. i dont know what it is, but whenever i listen to them i freak out like a fucking little kid. its one of my most absolute favorite car cds. i go nuts. i fucking love cedric's voice and i just love everything about them.

and they are touring this spring. my ass will finally get to see them live. for some reason every time they've come i have been unable to go. and they've been around more than enough to where i should have seen them. and apparently they are the fucking best band in the world live. so i have to stop being lame and see them. is seeing them live as good as sex? better? we'll have to see.

okay. enough gawking and swooning. i hope im not over-hyping myself for this record. i guess if im that disappointed i can just put in de-loused and then who fucking cares, cuz that record is amazing.