Sunday, March 06, 2005

new music screening...i am mad talented!

so i am putting in some hard hours here at kscu. im actually even reviewing two cds at once. meaning i am listening to two different cds to do my picks at the exact same time. how do you do this? well you have to be crazy like me.. and swamped with stacks of cds that are threatening you cuz you can hear the bitch-ass promoters for each record yelling at you.. "nicole!! why the fuck isnt mogwai charting. ADAM GREEN.. hello... from the moldy peaches. but what about IDA?.. how's boom bip doing... dont you LOVE boom bip?" YES YES YES! arrrrrrrg. any way.

i do love boom bip.

no no no. the way to do two reviews at once... is by A) playing a cd that's instrumental or mostly instrumental.. and by B) playing another cd thats vocal heavy and that you're 99% positive is free of swearing. examples: 1) boom bip + ida 2)mogwai + adam green (i have naughty tracks already marked) 3) laurent garnier + mando diao.

skills i tell you. i hella got 'em.

any way.. of some of the records ive been rockin today.. i heart these new ones:

* boom bip
* minus story
* mando diao
* kaiser chiefs

does anyone else think mogwai is on the boring side? BORING.

now reviewing: mogwai- government commissions: bbc sessions 1996-2003


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you hella gots'em? hahaha

hella hella hella!

i find myself doing situps & watching tv all at the same time.

now thats talent.


10:19 AM, March 07, 2005  

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