Monday, March 07, 2005

sleepy time. am i an old lady?

so its ten after 8. thats in the p.m. im watching one of my all-time favorite movies, beautiful girls. im getting ready for bed. taking my eye-make up off. btw--the new, oil free neutrogena eye makeup remover i bought the other day works fabulously. its left my skin all smooth and soft. any way. ive been home barely an hour... got home 'round 7. i ate my burrito dinner in the car, driving up.

is this sad? going to bed at--well, lets say by 8:30. having only been home an hour and a half... spent awake. am i a fucking old lady already? im not sick, so i cant use that excuse. i did go to bed late last nite, but still. i mean, its kinda pathetic right? consider this as well, i have spent the entire evening in/on my bed as well. though... this was because the other night i was super lazy and pushed my rolly-desk all the way up to my bed, so that i could use my computer while lying down. its actually pretty fucking rad. i can only imagine how nice a laptop would feel.

oh well. i know there are like a million things i could do, or should be doing, or want to do, like review some more cds, make a mix cd (i was feeling inspired listening to the cure on the ride home), watch dvds ive borrowed, etc etc etc. but i have no motivation. barely any energy. so instead of staying up and wasting time on myspace, i am going to go to bed.

well. ok. maybe i will try to stay awake through the movie. that puts me at like 9:30 at least.
love ya!

now watching: beautiful girls (hbo on demand---oh how i love thee)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you could've saved an hour from driving home if you lived closer, therefore you would have about two hours of alone time at your pad.


12:04 AM, March 08, 2005  

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