Tuesday, March 01, 2005

frances the mute.

i am really really really happy. giddy even. for the first time in a very long time i am overly excited to go to a record store on the day an album comes out and actually buy a freakin' record. granted--the main reason for this is the new mars volta record didnt actually come into the station two weeks ago like it was supposed to. regardless... during lunch today i am going to hit up streetlight and get my copy of frances the mute.

honestly, i think mars volta could be my absolute favorite band right now. which seems like an odd paring, me and the mars volta--most people find it hard to believe i like them since i never really liked at the drive in. although, two totally different bands. i dont know what it is, but whenever i listen to them i freak out like a fucking little kid. its one of my most absolute favorite car cds. i go nuts. i fucking love cedric's voice and i just love everything about them.

and they are touring this spring. my ass will finally get to see them live. for some reason every time they've come i have been unable to go. and they've been around more than enough to where i should have seen them. and apparently they are the fucking best band in the world live. so i have to stop being lame and see them. is seeing them live as good as sex? better? we'll have to see.

okay. enough gawking and swooning. i hope im not over-hyping myself for this record. i guess if im that disappointed i can just put in de-loused and then who fucking cares, cuz that record is amazing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude for the longest time i thought omar rodriguez of at the drive in was my old college roomate. dude rocked the fro & the same name... crazy, that fool got on my nerves.


9:57 AM, March 01, 2005  

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