Tuesday, March 29, 2005

i'm on spring break. what does that mean for me?

things that im currently annoyed with:
- aspects of family life
- arnold
- jury duty- its existence at the worst time.
- terri schiavo "tragedy'. seriously, people die like this every day, and families go through this every day. this is just such political bullshit. i could say a lot of really insensitive things here, and i'd like to, but i won't.
- doing my taxes
- lack of money
- the rain. you all know me. i freakin' love the rain. but enough's enough.
- thriller-horror movies! i hate the ring and the grudge for earning so much money that everyone and their mother is making a horror movie.
- those yellow "support the troops" ribbons on every toyota camry on the planet.
- that we still have not gotten the new prefuse 73 album in to kscu.
- looking for a new place to live! every place i near fall in love with falls through! and craigs list is banned at work so i cannot search daily and GRRR. gosh darnit.
- sugar, for being fattening. :) haha. okay now im just bein' silly.

things im currently diggin' on:
- my boy (duh i state the obvious)
- making mix tapes. i re-fell-in-love with my music collection again this weekend. seriously... making a mixtape was so much more enjoyable then making a mix cd. especially since my computer likes to freeze and crash on me when i do try. i found so many songs that i'd forgotten how amazing they were.
- new surge of indie flicks. millions. melinda and melinda. the ballad of jack and rose. ong bak. d.e.b.s. hahaha. just checking!
- new hood record. and caribou, the new project of dan snaith's (manitoba). its only three songs, but the opening cut is super good.
- making plans to go out and go to shows and completely NOT GOING TO ANY OF THEM. i admit it. i have kinda been likin' it. i am a bum. go on. say it.
- rootbeer. i used to HATE rootbeer. i remember id get super annoyed when i'd ask for dr. pepper and they'd say, "oh we dont have dr. pepper. but we have ROOTBEER". what? like that's the same thing? but any way, i love me some rootbeer.
- virtual bowling. seriously pretty rad. but its a workout.
- chocolate milkshakes. yum yum.
- being an aunt. i will be the best aunt in the freakin' world. you know the kind where the child loves me more than their mom. oh im just kidding rachel.
- spending some of my time off, screwing around in the city. i just wanna walk around as much as i can. explore. at least one day.

now playing: caribou- yeti


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aspects of family life? Oooo... I know me about dat, gurl. I tell ya all about that, but then the sun would set and you would probably need to shave or something since you'll be sitting there waiting for me to shut up.


11:31 PM, April 01, 2005  

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