Wednesday, March 23, 2005

hoootiee whoo............. make ya wanna shake sumptin

heh. the young folks i work with are funny. i just called one to let her know there was no meeting today and she answered the phone while she was in class. i could hear the teacher lecturing about cells or something. funnnnny.

i am super awake right now and proud of myself because its all natural.... NO CAFFIENE. that doesnt mean i dont want some right now. im thinking about going next door to expresso garden and gettin an iced chai and one of those bomb ass oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. so fucking good. lorna is bringing me a bagel so that also makes me happy, but i want some sugar. suuuuuuuuugar.

ok. so on to more important things. things by the name of tony soprano. i love this fucking man. i know he's ficticious, but i seriously love him. i havent put a ton of thought into this; im just going off the top of my head and thinking about some of the first season episodes ive seen again lately. but here goes... top ten reasons/things i love/things that make me happy about tony soprano.

1. his angry fits... you know. YOU KNOW. i know the man is angry a lot, but i mean specifically when someone does that little bit to push him over the edge. and usually.. which makes it all the more better... its a female in his life: carmela, dr. melfi, his mother, his sister. its all too good.

2. his facial expressions. they are fucking classic.

3. his interaction with uncle junior. i love both these guys. uncle junior is the most adorable old man on the planet.

4. tony and the ducks. just how his face lights up over these god-damned ducks. he talks about the ducks in therapy!! then when they dont come back, and he gets all depressed. he's a softie!

5. he's always eating. granted, he's italian. he's a big man. but its just cute. i like when he make
image previews sandwiches, or in the last season when him and carmela are split up when he comes over to go swimming and eat something.

6. sorry if this weirds anyone out, but i love his belly and when he's all lazy lounge guy. i dont know. i know im weird, but its kinda sexy. ahahahhaa. sorry im weird. thank goodness hardly anyone reads this.

7. his snips and quips. i bow before.

8. when he tries to use advice from dr. melfi. especially with his family. he always seems awkward... but its usually pretty funny because of the situations he uses it in. all the tony and aj stuff is awesome.

9. tony soprano... head of the family. he's a freakin badass regardless of all the other things listed above that i love. and of course there's always something sexy about a man in charge.

10. tony with his boys. one bit in particular i love is the whole painting of tony w/ the horse and how paulie gets it re-touched and he's all general-esque.
im sure there is probably stuff im forgetting, but thats what i've thought about so far.

new season... when again? and when the heck are new episodes of six feet under already? i need some new hbo shows.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony does not make the man crush list simply because I don't have HBO and I've only seen 2 episodes of the Sopranos in my life. I am a bottom feeder.


12:06 AM, March 24, 2005  

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