Thursday, March 17, 2005

happy drink green beer day!

yummy! a day to drink beer of any kind is a-okay in my book. im hella wearing green today. best showing of green is of course my green super mario brothers dimple toed-shoes. with my lil' toad's. you know, that reminds me, that i never really liked super mario brothers 2 all that much. i freakin loved 3, but two, nah.

so any way. not sure what im gonna be doing tonite, but there are a couple irish pubs within walking distance of my house. i guess thats a possibility, but who knows. every year that ive tried going out on st. pattys day is just way too crazy. i dont really like being at crowded ass bars that i cant move in, or dealing with tons of cops everywhere and having a sober driver and all that ccrrap. though, i use the sliver of irish in my euro-mutt-self as an excuse to drink beer. not that i need one for this day, no one else does. actually in general i dont need an excuse, but its always nice to have one. :)

its weird knowing that im going to be an aunt in less than four months. crazyness. my sister and her belly are going to come and visit me next weekend. i cant wait to see her fat belly. she just informed me that she now has an outtie. hah.

alright. hope ya'll have a fun and safe st. pattys day. and dont try to dye guiness green. your mouth will be green for days. days. besides, drinking an irish beer today is good enough.

now fucking loving: mars volta- de-loused in the comatorium. oooheeee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top ov da mornin' to yah! Word to speaking Irish.


1:44 AM, March 18, 2005  

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