Wednesday, August 30, 2006

sunset lights the way over my bay...

mood: stir-crazy.
music: 2004 kscu fall fundraiser (good stuff!), hard to believe i've been gone for more than a year already...

summer is over. wah! im feeling the itch to make myself busy again because it feels like i should be going back to school... only for the first time i don't have to! which is amazing, but makes me feel lazy in a way. so i am going to take another pilates class & a kickboxing class at san jose city college.

i just got back from disneyland (i actually returned last wednesday). it was a good time... went on all the rides i wanted (except the matterhorn because i was so exhausted i thought my legs were going to fall off!). but i did get to see johnny depp make several appearances in the yet-again-remodeled pirates of the carribean. im not to approve of messing with the classics, but it was pretty comical. speaking of pirates... pirates stuff is EVERYWHERE!! its beyond trendy...

i am missing going to shows as well! i can't even remember the last actual "show" show i went to... since i dont consider big music festivals (bfd) as being a show. i miss going up to san francisco. i need to stop being lazy! here are some shows i wouldnt mind going to:

9/9: damone @ slims (but i will be outta town!)
9/20: lawrence arms @ bottom of the hill.
9/23: phoenix @ slims.
9/30: gossip @ bottom of the hill (also playing 10/1)
10/2: we are scientists & art brut @ the fillmore.
10/13: clap your hands say yeah + architecture in helsinki @ the warfield.
10/14: subtle @ bottom of the hill.
10/16: ladytron @ the fillmore.
10/17: the hold steady @ gamh.
10/28: alias & tarsier @ bottom of the hill.
11/21: mates of state @ gamh (or 11/22).

there is one show i am going to (meaning i am being a nice girlfriend), and that is guns'n'roses on sept. 20. haha. i have no idea what to expect. i also am going to the download festival (for free! + VIP! yay!). heart is also playing sept. 6 @ the mt. winery... which i cant afford but would totally go to! i adore heart. haha.

ok. my computer is being completely freakish and keeps turning off and on giving me a heart attack each time. time to reboot.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm down for Alias & Tarsier, just to let you know. I'm also down w/ Ladytron just because CSS is opening up for them. so yeah, i'll let ya know about these shows aiight?!?!!!


8:09 PM, August 30, 2006  

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