Friday, September 01, 2006

i want to kick valley health plan in their shins...

i am very annoyed at my health plan services right now! i have been waiting to get a prescription refilled for over a month and after many times waiting in long lines, several phonecalls and orders and call-backs to check on said order, and being told by a couple of people that it should come in TODAY--i was told over the phone that the meds i need are on BACKORDER and that they have no idea when they will come in. NICE! stupid bastards. now i have to call my doctor to see about switching med types or get a prescription for a generic brand. so i tried to call my doctor, which is a barrell of laughs in itself because i cant even reach my doctor, i have to call the automated system to leave a friggin' message for her, then she gets back to me! so i tried calling her on my break and i get through most of the automated message and im at the on-hold part when my call is dropped. i got so annoyed i just decided to come back into work and try again later.

SHIT!!!!!!! so frustrating!

what's also not helping is that terry gross (npr--fresh air host) is doing a two part country music special which is annoying because i wanted to hear something GOOD!

*taking a deep breath*

i am also hungry because i haven't eaten lunch yet--which is no one's fault but my own, but i'm still going to complain about it! my lunch break was spent at kaiser (accompanying nate to his follow up MRI dr's appt--all good news BTW), so now i have no lunch time to go and eat. but i suppose i could just head next door to wendys for a salad.

ok. i think i've written myself down from the ledge and have reached a calmer mood. maybe this country music is actually soothing me... its kinda old school country to it ain't too bad (whoever the artist on air is--is now doing a buddy holly cover).
moving on... i subscribed to a couple new media things that im excited about! one is a local magazine called colorlines that my co-worker shared with me. it comes out about 6 times a month. the second is a progressive dvd-of-the-month kinda club put out by ironweed film. i look forward to those things coming! i am also looking forward to the spike lee documentary: when the levees broke, which is saved on my replay just waiting to be watched. i will provide commentary on that after i watch it.

last night i saw the illusionist with nate and jocelyn. the movie was pretty boring and too predictable. i love ed norton & paul giamatti but if the movie is boring--its just boring. what had me curious during the movie was actually the origin of the word "fuck"... the movie takes place during the turn of the century (1900s), & one of the characters asked "were they fucking" and it made me think... did they use the word "fucking" back then? and when exactly did the origin and this meaning come about? (something to research)...

i am looking forward to checking out half nelson (hopefully this weekend) since its a film i have been hearing about for a few months now--and has a lot of clout (kevin smith!) backing it as one of the best films of the year... decade... century .... ever MADE. haha.

i recently joined the music club, your music, which allows you to buy any cds in their catalog for only 6 bucks... you have to sign up for their one-a-month subscription (also 6 bucks), which then allows you to buy any cd at any time for 6 bucks. they have a decent collection of old & new and some semi-underground.

time to get my nutrients on...


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