Thursday, March 03, 2005

spiderman is having me for dinner tonite.

so last night i went to sleep around 7:00 and i had set my alarm to wake up in time for the premiere of america's next top model, which started at 8:00. i remember waking up around 8:45 when they were eliminating some folks, but i just looked at the tv and went back to sleep. i then woke up at 4:00 in the morning, reset my alarm for 6:30 to get up for work. so i guess that means i got a total of 11 hours of sleep. boy did i need it. i was feeling really drained.

alright. so on my way home from work i listened to the new mars volta record.


i went after work to streetlight and picked it up. the clerk, someone i cant stand 90% of the time, was discussing the record w/ me. we were talking about the length, 5 songs equaling 77 minutes. last song = 39 minutes... etc, etc. i had the same concerns as him about it. but then he says, "it's pretty pretentious." i didnt think much of this comment coming from a xiu xiu fan.


it IS really fucking pretentious. and as much as i dont want to agree with this person, its true. i barely made it through a full time. where is cedric's voice? where is the fucking slamming drums and guitar? where is the structure? there's all this talk about the last song being 39 minutes, but the record is actually broken into 12 cuts, and the last song is just split up although it's really one long song. most of which is feedback, ambient bullshit.


and i had read the pitchfork hate review, but i ignored it because they hated deloused... but honestly, i dont know if i will even listen to it again. at least not for awhile. i felt pretty disappointed driving home. even on their radio shit, and let me tell you it will be the ONLY one off the album because the other stuff is just completely unfit for radio, any way, on "the widow" the radio version seems short for the band because they cut about 3 minutes off the track because it goes off into this noise feedback crap. and i dont mean the album is jammy in their live mars volta sort of sense (if you've heard the live ep they made you know what i mean). i just mean that there's nothing going on in these songs. NOTHING. it supposed to be a record made for their keyboardist who died a while ago, but i dont know. it just really doesnt do it for me. plus there's this reallly cheesy, bluesy kinda fucking clown song which is sung in spanish and its just fucking terrible. i dont get this at all.

another disappointment.

so i've switched it up and decided im on another cure kick. something thats never disappointing. ive been listening to my show cd pretty non-stop lately. "pictures of you", "lullaby", "trust" and "a night like this" are still up there for me. speaking of 80s stuff... blank club going down tonite. my return to health. although i am being designated dave, so i'll be limited on my 2 dollar pbr's. it's a special duran duran nite too, so im not sure what that will mean. either way, i need to go and hang and dance, it's overdue. we're hittin up the caravan ahead of time. maybe they'll be some one-armed men there to buy us some drinks.

btw-kevin smith's last day of co-hosting the alice morning show is tomorrow. i've caught most of it the last two days. its been oooookay. nothing really rad. lots of 80s songs being sung, and tons of vulgarthon plugs. i think it would be fun to go to that. its during my spring break (starts march 28th)! speaking of.. what am i going to do over spring break? i must do something since im pretty bummed about not going to sxsw. someone make some suggestions.

still workin on getting in for the kings of convienece show. im pretty sure i can get into the futureheads show. damn me for waiting last minute. there's a lot coming up in march and april. it should be my return to shows--i've kinda missed it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought that post was gonna be about the cure... your title is misleading.

speaking of streetlight, who do you know who works there. diane is the indy buyer there.

designated dave? what is that? sounds oddly familiar.


1:53 PM, March 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha. i just got an email about the pedestrian contest and you were second runner up. funny!


2:20 PM, March 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ay yo son,

how do you post pics on your site? do you have to download that picture thingy on the blogger site?

Pretentious? that's so me!!!


8:40 PM, March 03, 2005  

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