Friday, August 04, 2006

my brain is staging a protest for more caffeine.

i can really feel the friday-ness of today. and not in that happy kinda way where the air is light, but it's more of the... my head and my body ache and i want to go home and relax but really i have one million point five things to do.

although, i often find myself feeling MORE tired when i go home and watch tv or read instead of moving about and doing stuff for myself, my boyfriend or our home (apartment). i think i will indulge in a little of both and run to target to pick up some things (storage boxes + bathing suit + bras) and then go home and watch battlestar galactica and unpack/get rid/organize the house.

i don't really have a reason for writing a blog other than to post the above picture with a link to the blog post. check it out. check out music for america in general. register to vote. then actually go & vote. ummmmmmmmmm my brain hurts. time to go. ta-ta. (hey i just noticed i posted a blog five days in a row! i deserve a prize).


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