Friday, April 28, 2006

.....bullet the blue sky......

mood: sunshiney!
music: stars- heart

its gorgeous outside! i'm lovin' this weather! so as you can tell i'm in better spirits than i was this morning... and no more tummy ache.

i went to valley fair during lunch to exchange my earrings, and eat some delicious rubios tacos (chicken not fish), and literally fished (aha!) for coins in my wallet to buy a mrs. fields cookie for dessert. awww cookies you are my weakness! i have tried for years to convince the youth i work with to get a job at mrs. fields (my first job), so that i could have a cookie-connection, but alas, no such luck.

so anyway... i stop on my way out at the mrs. fields cookie cart in the food court and spot a sign for A NEW COOKIE. and get this... its a "chocolate lovers cookie"! CHOCOLATE LOVERS! what does this mean? it means milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate chips all in one cookie!!! AND let me tell you, i am chewing a bite right now and it tastes like little pieces of heaven. mmmmm. even worth the $1.59 i paid for it (they raised the price of cookies 30 cents since i last worked there--which was when i was a junior in high school).

other things that made me smile:

  • a license plate in the parking lot that said: "will work for bandwidth". oh those silicon valley nerds.
  • terry gross interviewing robert smigel on fresh air. (added bonus: getting to hear terry say "s & m", and hearing the amiguously gay duo theme song)
  • seeing the sign for the new chocolate lovers cookie. =D and eating it.
  • the $75. dollar nightgown at the shi-shi 2nd floor at nordstroms, which the gap has for about $20. and is just as cute and comfy. (maybe i will go back and get it next week)
  • thinking about getting off of work at 4 p.m. woot. woot.

i also came to the realization that i kinda want a video ipod. must... refrain... spending... well i couldnt buy one anytime in the month of may... but my birthday is coming up in july. maybe i will give myself one in honor of being 25. i was thinking just a 30 GB version, i dont need something fancy like the 60 GB.

im not sure why but i feel sick right now. i think sometimes tea makes me feel like barfing. i also really feel like i need a vacation day and today feels like that day.

random thoughts & observations:
the skarks won last night. thats good.

i played tennis last night. that was fun.

i saw clooney on the today show today (with his dad) talking about darfur.

i am feeling lethargic about work today.

i feel like eating the pink (strawberry/raspberry?) mochi from the manju shop in sj japantown. mmmm.

my stomach aches. i want my mommy.

i havent been to a concert/show in a long time (her space holiday?)

i need to go to the bank.

i need to go to nordstrom to exchange a pair of earrings.

i need to go grocery shopping but i have little money despite getting paid today.

damn the monthly rent check. damn gas prices. damn damn damn.

i am sore from running and playing tennis. my body aches and i feel old.

i am in a complaining mood today. at least, until i get to go home from work.

there is a rally raising awareness about darfur on sunday in san francisco. i wouldnt mind going.

there is also a cherry blossom festival part deux in j-town on sunday. i will probably go to that. don't judge me.

Friday, April 21, 2006

GI Joes stage IRAQ war protest...

i abosolutely could not resist blogging about this after i read it on sfist... army men have seized control over the bay area..... oh nooooooooooooooo. ahahhaha. this is the most adorable war protest i have seen yet. for more info ----> visit me!

adult expressions...

just a quick and short post... i wanted to share this picture of dylan (and my sister), because dylan's facial expression is so freakin' cute i can hardly contain myself. makes me want to drive to santa maria and squeeze him. i miss my nephew (and rach and ben).

back to the daily grind......

Friday, April 14, 2006

i don't have time to deal with your personality disorder...

one of THE best 24 lines directed at chloe of all time!

im eating poptarts for breakfast. bad i know... but its the only thing in our vending machine here at work that will actually fill me up. my friend eric used to say that poptarts expand in your stomach.

well... i got paid today, so now i can go to the grocery store and stock up on fruits and healthier foods. i was thinking about trying out a new recipe too... not sure what yet but ive been liking the ones im getting online. the korean chicken the other night was really good. PLUS i also had my federal tax return deposited in my account today.... which RULES!!! it means i can restock my savings that i had to dip into. WOOOO! finances are so fucking thrilling to read about on blogs....

any way, i was so excited about the no-rain yesterday that i walked to the park and walked two miles around the track. i miss being outside. there were a ton of people out there playing soccer, basketball, running, walking their dogs... everyone is fucking tired of the rain.

local news was CARAZEE yesterday. there was a "shifty looking package" scare at the federal building in downtown san jose .... then a wells fargo bank in my old neck of the woods was robbed and a high speed chase followed....... thats just fucking nuts! nutty stuff going on in the 4-0-8. AND i just read that senor Bush is coming to san jose next friday. whooopity-do. funny how all this hype on the immigration issue is coming up now.... just in time to take people's mind off the war, the CIA leak scandal and the whole brink of something with Iran. very very very very NOT surprising. the media blows too. just thought id put out that blanket statement. but... the new york times did a good story on the CIA leak... and Bush/Cheney involvement... and don't even get me started on the whole Rumsfeld thing... i mean... what the hell do six retired generals know anyway? if it werent for blogging and online news sources... i think i would go nuts from being fed complete bullshit from the mainstream media.

not sure where that semi-political rant came from...

in other news, i think im going to buy a tennis racket this weekend so that i can get some more exercise. ive always liked to play tennis for fun, and even if i'm by myself i can just play against a wall. =) id also like to get a basketball (or a pump) that i can pump up nate's flat basketball.

nothing else to report. um... go sharks!


Monday, April 10, 2006

it's that four o-clock headache time...

every day around 4 p.m.

me: my head hurts.
me: i think i will make some tea.
me: i wonder if the tea makes it worse?
me: or maybe the birth control pills are the cause.


i read in women's health that if you have a headache/migraine that tea will make it worse. darn.

i printed out a new recipe to make tonight. it's "korean roast chicken thighs". hopefully it will turn out good. last night i made soy-sauce chicken, rice and corn. i thought it was pretty yummy. i need to think of another veggie that will go well with my korean chicken... hmmm i dont know.
to do list.......
  • send out email for bachelorette party...
  • vacuum
  • read more grant proposals
  • compile old clothes to donate
  • laundry


okay. i think its time for me to go now. i just realized that this blog posting made me sound like a housewife. now i need to go and drink a beer...

i got my mind made up.

music: tom petty box set- disc 6
mood: calm.

i feel very relaxed right now. i guess i should considering i started work at 10. i had a hard time pushing myself to get out of bed this morning, it just felt too good to get up. having myself a nice little breakfast: lemon yogurt, banana and buddha blend tea. mmmm. plus the office is pretty quiet which is nice.

not much of weekend report for me... went to the giants game on friday. they lost. there was a two hour rain delay... then when the giants blew the game in the 7th inning with the most horrible pitching inning i have ever seen, the rain started coming down again and joe got crazy and delirious. it was pretty entertaining. i still love baseball, even though im not quite the nerdy fan i once was... with my little baseball card collection and a special card holder for two of my favorite giants, matt williams and will clark. i just loose interest in sports when there are strikes. i did that with baseball. then with basketball. and now with hockey. did the sharks clinch that 8th spot?

i skipped APE to save funds. the whole point of going up there is to buy comics... and if i went up there i would have to spend money on gas, admission and then comics. if i had done that i wouldnt really have been able to buy new bras, which were more of a necessity.

saturday night i went to the movies solo, which i love. its my all-time favorite way of relieving stress. so i went over to the pruneyard, spent some time reading magazines at barnes and noble (the kiefer article in rolling stone kind of made me sad...), then stopped to get a coffee from coffee society, then it was off to camera 7 for chick-flick movie "friends with money". i enjoy seeing the ultra-girly movies by myself or with female friends, because then i dont have to worry about the boyfriend being annoyed and making annoyed sounds and eye-rolls during the movie, and then later using it as leverage for something. the movie was okay. i would give it 3 stars out of 5. the acting was good... but the writing could have been a teensy-weensy bit better. the story tried to cover a little bit too much and actually could have been a little longer to tie up things a little better (it was a little less then an hour and half--rare nowadays).

besides... i would have had to see the film anyways, because i made a promise to myself to see as many films as possible (if not all) that have female directors. there arent many female directors, especially successful ones, so i took it upon myself to support as many of them as possible (even if they look horrible).

thats all ive got for now. pretty mellow these days, and enjoying it.

Friday, April 07, 2006

unmotivated.... sleepy.... friday......

i want to curl up in bed and take a nap and not wake up until its time to go to the giants game.

today is definitely one of those "fake happy work days"... you know those days where you wish you could do work but not have to interact with people. but since i dont work solo, i have to be fake friendly. know those days?

what to look forward to: giants vs. braves. i highly enjoy live baseball games. i hope the rain stays away. though a day game tomorrow due to rain delay would be welcomed if the sun were to pay us a visit.

i think this weather + too much stress + no exercise is making me depressed.

ive had bad dreams three nights in a row. i think due to the above.

sorry for being eyeore today. oh bother. ;)

Monday, April 03, 2006

i had peach yogurt for breakfast.

mood: blah.
music: nothing. office sounds.

i have a stomach ache, hence the not clever at all subject line. i dont want to be at work. luckily i worked on friday, a county holiday, so i have approval to leave early today. which means i only have to work for about an hour and forty minutes longer. still. stomach aches are no fun at work. my body is all f-ed up right now and im looking forward to going to the doctors this week--well not looking forward to going/having uncomfortable things done to me--but to figuring out whats wrong and having it fixed.

i also agree w/ olga on the whole daylight savings time switch that it should happen in the middle of the day during the week, preferably monday around 4 p.m. instead of the middle of the night on a weekend! bastards!

weekend recap (in backwards order):

yesterday, sunday... i saw "thank you for smoking" which i really liked. a couple of my youth came to see the film...and one of them ran head on into the wall because he thought there was an aisle there. it was hilarious. he ended up staying a couple of rows away from us because he was too embarassed to move. but back to the film... the writing is really sharp and the actor who played the main role was perfect. i really recommend this film, especially for folks who keep up w/ whats going on in the world, and listen to npr or read political blogs or anyone who has a cruel sense of humor. haha. any way. check out the film.

before that me and nate went to eat at this korean buffet place that's on homestead/san tomas area. it was pretty good, especially for $6.50. their kimchee was good, and their bbq pork was nicely flavored and not too fatty. i'd go back. wouldnt go if i was in the mood for soup though. after that we walked to where his softball practice was and pretended i knew how to play until the other players began to show up and then i left to go to camera 7. (actually i did play for 1.5 years... third base, but that was eons ago.)

later in the evening i watched the sopranos. it was a good episode. glad to see tony back, but i still think something is a little off with him. i think he hit is peak tony moment when he told the insurance woman to "get the fuck outta my room you cunt." yes. it was that kinda episode. it was also kinda nice to have a paulie episode. then i read more of a million little pieces, which im about 3/4's done with.

so i almost drove up to san francisco on saturday for APE. at the last minute i changed my mind and me and nate went to see ice age 2. we were the only people there without kids. the movie was really cute, funny and enjoyable. any way... it wasnt until later that night that jocelyn pointed out to me that APE is NEXT weekend. i knew this too. i had the flyer. i checked the website. i dont know why i thought it was this weekend. good thing i didnt drive up there. next weekend it is.

i went to lulu's bands show at johnny v's on saturday. it was cool to see lulu playing in a band. i look forward to seeing her sing w/ oceans of fire. johnny v's is a very tiny bar to see bands. even smaller than the caravan. its been awhile since ive gone out in downtown san jose, i forgot how much fun walking down santa clara is by yourself.

friday i spent the day working. went to mt. pleasant in the morning to do outreach at their multi-cultural festival. this was my favorite event when i went to school there, and it was still pretty cool (though not as cool as when i went there). there was this really weird pro-military performance that was performed by the christian club... the whole time i thought it was ROTC, but nope. weird. and even weirder is that it followed a really awesome performance from the black student union that was all about freedom. oh well.

then later in the evening we took some of the youth up to san francisco for the discarded to divine fashion exhibit at the deyoung museum in golden gate park. first we went shopping/ate in the haight. i had some much needed coffee and a delicious nutella crepe at the squat and gobble cafe. their crepe was fucking delicious, they know not to scrimp on the nutella. any way... the exhibit was pretty cool. hopefully it will inspire the youth w/ their designs for our health fashion show. me, lorna and joce are gonna go to the fashion show/silent auction this week. they had only one dress that was actually my size... almost all of them were size 0-4. tiny!