Monday, April 10, 2006

it's that four o-clock headache time...

every day around 4 p.m.

me: my head hurts.
me: i think i will make some tea.
me: i wonder if the tea makes it worse?
me: or maybe the birth control pills are the cause.


i read in women's health that if you have a headache/migraine that tea will make it worse. darn.

i printed out a new recipe to make tonight. it's "korean roast chicken thighs". hopefully it will turn out good. last night i made soy-sauce chicken, rice and corn. i thought it was pretty yummy. i need to think of another veggie that will go well with my korean chicken... hmmm i dont know.
to do list.......
  • send out email for bachelorette party...
  • vacuum
  • read more grant proposals
  • compile old clothes to donate
  • laundry


okay. i think its time for me to go now. i just realized that this blog posting made me sound like a housewife. now i need to go and drink a beer...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped reading the post after you mentioned birth control. HAHAHAA!


11:36 AM, April 12, 2006  

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