Monday, April 10, 2006

i got my mind made up.

music: tom petty box set- disc 6
mood: calm.

i feel very relaxed right now. i guess i should considering i started work at 10. i had a hard time pushing myself to get out of bed this morning, it just felt too good to get up. having myself a nice little breakfast: lemon yogurt, banana and buddha blend tea. mmmm. plus the office is pretty quiet which is nice.

not much of weekend report for me... went to the giants game on friday. they lost. there was a two hour rain delay... then when the giants blew the game in the 7th inning with the most horrible pitching inning i have ever seen, the rain started coming down again and joe got crazy and delirious. it was pretty entertaining. i still love baseball, even though im not quite the nerdy fan i once was... with my little baseball card collection and a special card holder for two of my favorite giants, matt williams and will clark. i just loose interest in sports when there are strikes. i did that with baseball. then with basketball. and now with hockey. did the sharks clinch that 8th spot?

i skipped APE to save funds. the whole point of going up there is to buy comics... and if i went up there i would have to spend money on gas, admission and then comics. if i had done that i wouldnt really have been able to buy new bras, which were more of a necessity.

saturday night i went to the movies solo, which i love. its my all-time favorite way of relieving stress. so i went over to the pruneyard, spent some time reading magazines at barnes and noble (the kiefer article in rolling stone kind of made me sad...), then stopped to get a coffee from coffee society, then it was off to camera 7 for chick-flick movie "friends with money". i enjoy seeing the ultra-girly movies by myself or with female friends, because then i dont have to worry about the boyfriend being annoyed and making annoyed sounds and eye-rolls during the movie, and then later using it as leverage for something. the movie was okay. i would give it 3 stars out of 5. the acting was good... but the writing could have been a teensy-weensy bit better. the story tried to cover a little bit too much and actually could have been a little longer to tie up things a little better (it was a little less then an hour and half--rare nowadays).

besides... i would have had to see the film anyways, because i made a promise to myself to see as many films as possible (if not all) that have female directors. there arent many female directors, especially successful ones, so i took it upon myself to support as many of them as possible (even if they look horrible).

thats all ive got for now. pretty mellow these days, and enjoying it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you didn't like Friends with Money, I recommend the director's first outing, Lovely And Amazing, which also stars Catherine Keener.

Oh BTW, Lucky Number Slevin sucked. Looked good, but sucked.


11:39 AM, April 10, 2006  
Blogger n. said...

ive seen lovely and amazing. and i didnt say i didn't like friends with money, i said it was okay/good.

yeah... i wasnt too sure about lucky number slevin. looks lame.

12:00 PM, April 10, 2006  

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