Friday, April 14, 2006

i don't have time to deal with your personality disorder...

one of THE best 24 lines directed at chloe of all time!

im eating poptarts for breakfast. bad i know... but its the only thing in our vending machine here at work that will actually fill me up. my friend eric used to say that poptarts expand in your stomach.

well... i got paid today, so now i can go to the grocery store and stock up on fruits and healthier foods. i was thinking about trying out a new recipe too... not sure what yet but ive been liking the ones im getting online. the korean chicken the other night was really good. PLUS i also had my federal tax return deposited in my account today.... which RULES!!! it means i can restock my savings that i had to dip into. WOOOO! finances are so fucking thrilling to read about on blogs....

any way, i was so excited about the no-rain yesterday that i walked to the park and walked two miles around the track. i miss being outside. there were a ton of people out there playing soccer, basketball, running, walking their dogs... everyone is fucking tired of the rain.

local news was CARAZEE yesterday. there was a "shifty looking package" scare at the federal building in downtown san jose .... then a wells fargo bank in my old neck of the woods was robbed and a high speed chase followed....... thats just fucking nuts! nutty stuff going on in the 4-0-8. AND i just read that senor Bush is coming to san jose next friday. whooopity-do. funny how all this hype on the immigration issue is coming up now.... just in time to take people's mind off the war, the CIA leak scandal and the whole brink of something with Iran. very very very very NOT surprising. the media blows too. just thought id put out that blanket statement. but... the new york times did a good story on the CIA leak... and Bush/Cheney involvement... and don't even get me started on the whole Rumsfeld thing... i mean... what the hell do six retired generals know anyway? if it werent for blogging and online news sources... i think i would go nuts from being fed complete bullshit from the mainstream media.

not sure where that semi-political rant came from...

in other news, i think im going to buy a tennis racket this weekend so that i can get some more exercise. ive always liked to play tennis for fun, and even if i'm by myself i can just play against a wall. =) id also like to get a basketball (or a pump) that i can pump up nate's flat basketball.

nothing else to report. um... go sharks!



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