Monday, April 03, 2006

i had peach yogurt for breakfast.

mood: blah.
music: nothing. office sounds.

i have a stomach ache, hence the not clever at all subject line. i dont want to be at work. luckily i worked on friday, a county holiday, so i have approval to leave early today. which means i only have to work for about an hour and forty minutes longer. still. stomach aches are no fun at work. my body is all f-ed up right now and im looking forward to going to the doctors this week--well not looking forward to going/having uncomfortable things done to me--but to figuring out whats wrong and having it fixed.

i also agree w/ olga on the whole daylight savings time switch that it should happen in the middle of the day during the week, preferably monday around 4 p.m. instead of the middle of the night on a weekend! bastards!

weekend recap (in backwards order):

yesterday, sunday... i saw "thank you for smoking" which i really liked. a couple of my youth came to see the film...and one of them ran head on into the wall because he thought there was an aisle there. it was hilarious. he ended up staying a couple of rows away from us because he was too embarassed to move. but back to the film... the writing is really sharp and the actor who played the main role was perfect. i really recommend this film, especially for folks who keep up w/ whats going on in the world, and listen to npr or read political blogs or anyone who has a cruel sense of humor. haha. any way. check out the film.

before that me and nate went to eat at this korean buffet place that's on homestead/san tomas area. it was pretty good, especially for $6.50. their kimchee was good, and their bbq pork was nicely flavored and not too fatty. i'd go back. wouldnt go if i was in the mood for soup though. after that we walked to where his softball practice was and pretended i knew how to play until the other players began to show up and then i left to go to camera 7. (actually i did play for 1.5 years... third base, but that was eons ago.)

later in the evening i watched the sopranos. it was a good episode. glad to see tony back, but i still think something is a little off with him. i think he hit is peak tony moment when he told the insurance woman to "get the fuck outta my room you cunt." yes. it was that kinda episode. it was also kinda nice to have a paulie episode. then i read more of a million little pieces, which im about 3/4's done with.

so i almost drove up to san francisco on saturday for APE. at the last minute i changed my mind and me and nate went to see ice age 2. we were the only people there without kids. the movie was really cute, funny and enjoyable. any way... it wasnt until later that night that jocelyn pointed out to me that APE is NEXT weekend. i knew this too. i had the flyer. i checked the website. i dont know why i thought it was this weekend. good thing i didnt drive up there. next weekend it is.

i went to lulu's bands show at johnny v's on saturday. it was cool to see lulu playing in a band. i look forward to seeing her sing w/ oceans of fire. johnny v's is a very tiny bar to see bands. even smaller than the caravan. its been awhile since ive gone out in downtown san jose, i forgot how much fun walking down santa clara is by yourself.

friday i spent the day working. went to mt. pleasant in the morning to do outreach at their multi-cultural festival. this was my favorite event when i went to school there, and it was still pretty cool (though not as cool as when i went there). there was this really weird pro-military performance that was performed by the christian club... the whole time i thought it was ROTC, but nope. weird. and even weirder is that it followed a really awesome performance from the black student union that was all about freedom. oh well.

then later in the evening we took some of the youth up to san francisco for the discarded to divine fashion exhibit at the deyoung museum in golden gate park. first we went shopping/ate in the haight. i had some much needed coffee and a delicious nutella crepe at the squat and gobble cafe. their crepe was fucking delicious, they know not to scrimp on the nutella. any way... the exhibit was pretty cool. hopefully it will inspire the youth w/ their designs for our health fashion show. me, lorna and joce are gonna go to the fashion show/silent auction this week. they had only one dress that was actually my size... almost all of them were size 0-4. tiny!


Blogger rsfernando79 said...

i thought ape was last weekend too. weird.

10:04 AM, April 04, 2006  

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