Friday, April 28, 2006

im not sure why but i feel sick right now. i think sometimes tea makes me feel like barfing. i also really feel like i need a vacation day and today feels like that day.

random thoughts & observations:
the skarks won last night. thats good.

i played tennis last night. that was fun.

i saw clooney on the today show today (with his dad) talking about darfur.

i am feeling lethargic about work today.

i feel like eating the pink (strawberry/raspberry?) mochi from the manju shop in sj japantown. mmmm.

my stomach aches. i want my mommy.

i havent been to a concert/show in a long time (her space holiday?)

i need to go to the bank.

i need to go to nordstrom to exchange a pair of earrings.

i need to go grocery shopping but i have little money despite getting paid today.

damn the monthly rent check. damn gas prices. damn damn damn.

i am sore from running and playing tennis. my body aches and i feel old.

i am in a complaining mood today. at least, until i get to go home from work.

there is a rally raising awareness about darfur on sunday in san francisco. i wouldnt mind going.

there is also a cherry blossom festival part deux in j-town on sunday. i will probably go to that. don't judge me.


Blogger rsfernando79 said...

j-town, eh? (aa..otaku!ahem...)

11:22 PM, May 02, 2006  

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