Friday, April 07, 2006

unmotivated.... sleepy.... friday......

i want to curl up in bed and take a nap and not wake up until its time to go to the giants game.

today is definitely one of those "fake happy work days"... you know those days where you wish you could do work but not have to interact with people. but since i dont work solo, i have to be fake friendly. know those days?

what to look forward to: giants vs. braves. i highly enjoy live baseball games. i hope the rain stays away. though a day game tomorrow due to rain delay would be welcomed if the sun were to pay us a visit.

i think this weather + too much stress + no exercise is making me depressed.

ive had bad dreams three nights in a row. i think due to the above.

sorry for being eyeore today. oh bother. ;)


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