Friday, April 28, 2006

.....bullet the blue sky......

mood: sunshiney!
music: stars- heart

its gorgeous outside! i'm lovin' this weather! so as you can tell i'm in better spirits than i was this morning... and no more tummy ache.

i went to valley fair during lunch to exchange my earrings, and eat some delicious rubios tacos (chicken not fish), and literally fished (aha!) for coins in my wallet to buy a mrs. fields cookie for dessert. awww cookies you are my weakness! i have tried for years to convince the youth i work with to get a job at mrs. fields (my first job), so that i could have a cookie-connection, but alas, no such luck.

so anyway... i stop on my way out at the mrs. fields cookie cart in the food court and spot a sign for A NEW COOKIE. and get this... its a "chocolate lovers cookie"! CHOCOLATE LOVERS! what does this mean? it means milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate chips all in one cookie!!! AND let me tell you, i am chewing a bite right now and it tastes like little pieces of heaven. mmmmm. even worth the $1.59 i paid for it (they raised the price of cookies 30 cents since i last worked there--which was when i was a junior in high school).

other things that made me smile:

  • a license plate in the parking lot that said: "will work for bandwidth". oh those silicon valley nerds.
  • terry gross interviewing robert smigel on fresh air. (added bonus: getting to hear terry say "s & m", and hearing the amiguously gay duo theme song)
  • seeing the sign for the new chocolate lovers cookie. =D and eating it.
  • the $75. dollar nightgown at the shi-shi 2nd floor at nordstroms, which the gap has for about $20. and is just as cute and comfy. (maybe i will go back and get it next week)
  • thinking about getting off of work at 4 p.m. woot. woot.

i also came to the realization that i kinda want a video ipod. must... refrain... spending... well i couldnt buy one anytime in the month of may... but my birthday is coming up in july. maybe i will give myself one in honor of being 25. i was thinking just a 30 GB version, i dont need something fancy like the 60 GB.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might beat you to the 30GB iPod. Gotta spend my poker winnings before I need to find a job and have to be stuck in the SUV with my parents on a road trip.


11:57 AM, April 29, 2006  
Blogger rsfernando79 said...

wooo! join the black 30gb ipod w/ agent18 coalition :)

11:26 PM, May 02, 2006  

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