Tuesday, May 09, 2006

have a craving...?

mood: satisfied (thanks to this vending machine snickers bar)

two interesting random news tidbits of the day: colbert CENSORed & baghdad set HBO COMEDY.

i've decided that after checking out some of my friends pages on flickr that i need to stop being lazy with the photos, and ive been inspired to post a photo a day on this blog... (when 'net/digi.cam. accessible). plus i am planning to update the flickr site more often (even though i have a free account which means limited uploading).

of course, here and now would be the appropriate time to post one, but my camera is at home, and i am not. so i promise i will do that later.

rediscovery: music for america... rediscovery in that i would like get involved with them again, more than i am now.

well almost time to take my truck in for it's oil change.... yippee for coupons from precision auto tune.


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