Tuesday, March 28, 2006

i can see clearly now.. the resolution is better...

mood: upbeat, but w/ headache.
music: nada.

a couple of my friendly and awesome co-workers snagged me a new computer monitor and a new computer out of the wreckage of forgotten electronics here at work. IS is going to come tomorrow to set me up on my new computer, and as i type im looking at a FLAT screen with much better resolution and less headache inducing out-of-date-ness. im so techie.

any way. today has been a pretty good day. i had an oral examination for a promotional position today. i have to place in the top 7 to move on to the next interview. either way it was good experience. we shall see what happens.

i am happy about what happened in sunday's sopranos, and im so looking forward to being able to watch next week without the constant nervous feeling that ive had the last two weeks. tony will be back to being tony fucking soprano. thank god. props to steve buscemi for making an appearance in the last episode. he rules. i briefly heard on fresh air that he's directing a new movie. i'll have to look it up. also... be on the lookout for bob sagets new project, "farse of the penguins" a tale of penguin love (and graphic sex scenes- so i hear). that saget... such a dirty dirty man.

speaking of the bob, for those of you with hbo, check out the reruns of entourage on every sunday at 8... starting at season 1. that show rules. or if you are without hbo, rent the dvds.

im looking forward to going home and finishing off the remaining saved episodes of 24... i think i have about four hours left (including last nights... ) so it shouldnt be too difficult a task. this season has been pretty good... glad to see they arent scared of taking chances with their characters.

thats all for now...


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