Friday, March 24, 2006

birthday wishes are in order.

mood: food sleepy.

happy birthday to tyler. he's turning--old. i won't out him on how old, but old enough. lets just say that over lunch today we discussed colonoscopys. fun. men are babies.

im still fat and full from korean lunch today, courtesy of omogari. i took tyler out to lunch for his birthday (and one of my youth advocates--who randomly showed up along side my truck at mt. pleasant today). im going to go home and exercise on my bike and do a billion crunches and lift my little eight pound weights before heading off to the nuthouse tonight for more stomach expanding beverages.

first i will go home and unapologetically watch last nights episode of the OC. hey! when they ever decide to release 90210 on dvd, i will consider giving up the OC, but for now, its in my regular rotation of shows.

speaking of shows... the new pornographers//belle and sebastian show happened on tuesday. at the risk of coming off sounding like a pretentious music snob (which i am, but hopefully minus the pretentiousness), the show was not worth the money.

the venue is HORRIBLE. the sound is also HORRIBLE. location & parking i give a thumbs up to, and while i look forward to going to APE at this same venue, i will never (probably never) see a show there again. don't get me wrong, it wasnt the worst show ever, im just drawing a comparison to all the number of times ive seen these bands--belle and sebastian (this my fourth time) and new pornographers (fifth time), and i must say this was my least favorite time seeing B&S and my second least favorite time seeing new p's (the only other time we only got their in time to see about 2 songs).

not to say that the new pornographers werent awesome, but they were neko less, and i had very little room to dance, and the venue was too big for them. belle and sebastian, my problem was more with the venue than them. me and jocelyn left reese and jeff, and moved from our front of the stage spot after new pornographers (to get air, visit teshia & rick), and after that we were unable to find a spot where we could actually see the band. we either had tons of heads in our way, or giant posts. what a shitty venue. why have shows here? i cant imagine how horrible the strokes show is going to be there. oh well. you live and learn. cant say i had a bad evening, just wasnt worth forty bucks.

then when i went to buy a beer, they had a bunch of rows with beers filled in clear plastic cups. i asked what types they were and she said they were mystery beers. look lady, i aint payin' six bucks for a freakin' mystery beer (later she confessed they were pale ale and budweiser). i had told her, give me your darkest... which was pale ale. lame.

ok. time to leave work. spending some time in santa cruz this weekend, which will include some nicole time, which is nice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was still the BEST NIGHT EVER!!!


10:59 AM, March 25, 2006  
Blogger rsfernando79 said...

i kinda noticed you two had very little room to dance during new porn. good thing you left the area before b&s so jeff and i had room to get our geek on.

did you see isobel campbell w/ b&s? me no get it.

9:44 PM, March 26, 2006  

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