Thursday, July 28, 2005

who's the one who needs to prove....

mood: cranky & in need of cheering up.
music: none. forgot to bring anything in to work.

my mind can only form small thoughts at the moment. its on overload.
i want to see the bad news bears, asap.

i dont know what im doing from now til sunday. there's a possibility of going to two bbq's. not much else.

i feel bloated from drinking so much water.

im tired of mood swings.

im tired of being so understanding all the time, and not feeling like its reciprocated. it makes me want to give up.

i get to go home in an hour.

i plan to finally eat something. probably a sandwich and some fruit, or maybe carrots. or both.

i also plan on watching gilmore girls.

perhaps i will go to the free show tonite at coffee society in cupertino.

on the other hand, i do have two netflix coming today, so maybe i can watch one of those and dream that someone is petting my head and bringing me cranberry juice. ;P

we'll see.

i think i will visit my sister next weekend.

i start school in 3.5 weeks.

i hope armando calls me tonite so we can hang out sometime this weekend. ive missed that guy. i met him when we worked over at century berryessa, aka: hell. he's awesome.

i absolutely cannot stand waiting. it makes my stomach hurt. doesnt matter what it is.


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