Tuesday, July 26, 2005

bladder infections blow.

current mood: happy-calm, but physically ill.
music: none. the sounds of the keyboard.

im back from vegas. as you might have guessed from the subject head, i got a bladder infection. it first occured on friday... yes,... IN VEGAS. i was so completely bummed out (i'll post a vegas blog up on myspace as soon as i can). the bladder infection is still in effect. i havent had one since i was very small... they are sooooooo uncomfortable. today it feels really minimized like it might be going away, but it could also be all the drugs im taking. i think i'll stop taking them today and see if it reappears, then... back to taking the drugs. plus, doctors appointment tomorrow if need-be.

so bummy as it was that my only summer vacation was cloudead by an infected bladder... i am actually pretty happy to be back home. the weather is AWFUL in vegas. crazy hot. plus i had the worst diet over there. i ate so much bad food that all ive been eating since i got back is fruits and veggies and tofu and homecooked meals (by my mommy, not me). i am still pretty sad about the vegas trip (though i did still have fun)... it would be nice to take a short little mellow trip somewhere before the summer ends. but i guess there's not much time left... school starts in less than a month for me.

i went to the little fruit stand by my house on winchester (near 85). that place is very expensive. but i bought a couple of things any way: blueberries, blackberries and nectarines. all are very yummy. especially the blueberries which i have already finished off. i plan on hitting up my favorite little street-corner guy, over by silver creek high school for some cheap strawberries and cherries though. yum-yum.

going bowling tonite. pinnettes representin'!


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