Tuesday, July 12, 2005

home sweet home.

last night i finally spent a night in my own bed. after house-sitting for my parents thursday through sunday, then going down to santa maria, it was way over due for a nice mellow night at my own house.

its official. im old & im an aunt!!! the baby was born on my 24th birthday, lil' dylan michael beard stole my birthday! the little cutie-brat! hes the most completely adorable baby!! hes pretty well-behaved too, not a whole lot of crying, just mostly when he's doing a poopie, then he looks super happy after. such a boy. i got to spend 24 hours with him, and i cant wait to see him more as he grows up. my sister is healthy and happy and it still doesnt feel like she's a mommy. i promise i'll post pictures soon or post them on my myspace. so be on the lookout!

my birthday was fun! had too many drinks at the cinnebar, and was even triple-fisting it at one point. perhaps thats why the last thing i remember was leaving my own birthday. ahaha. well it IS my birthday--so i can do as i please. i made it til 1 a.m. though! thanks to everyone who came out and celebrated with me! bought me beers! cards! gifts! etc! love ya guys.

after last weeks festivities (mine & letis bday), i need to scale back the drinking. blacking out is not good. so expect me to be cutting down (i said CUTTING down, not stopping). i have to learn the art of MODERATION.

today entails...
*working late. boo.
*paying cable so it can be turned back on.
*turning in reviewed cds to please eidelyn and get units! =)
*book hotel for vegas, reserve rental van. (how did i get put in charge?)
*going to last kscu softball game. (unless a miracle happens and they make playoffs)
*going out after for food/beer (in MODERATION, ok!)

i am in a very happy mood! yay!

now listening to: skeletons and the girl-faced boys- git (ghostly international)


Blogger bardot said...

damn, it doesn't take a lot to please me. anything to help out the cause!

baby pictures! cute name! man, you guys can have some double birthday party action later.

1:37 AM, July 13, 2005  
Blogger Julie said...

awwww so cute.

i left my own birthday party too. haha we rule!

8:57 PM, July 13, 2005  

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