Tuesday, July 26, 2005

41 random fess-ups and observations.

1. i now love and am obsessed with the u2 song, "city of blinding lights." (still hurts to listen to it though)
2. i sometimes make and eat minute rice.
3. i think im actually looking forward to starting school.
4. i've been listening to howard stern almost daily.
5. i have a soft spot for the kelly clarkston song, "since you've been gone".
6. i've decided to concentrate on making myself happy more than other people.
7. i really want a pet.
8. i dont miss being a kscu music director.
9. i'm debating quitting kscu all-together.
10. i had a dream over the weekend that i was doing cocaine. (i'm not)
11. i have recently decided i really like blueberries. (thanks renee)
12. i want to rearrange my apartment.
13. i'm letting my hair grow out.
14. i'm cutting back on my sugar intake and eating more fruits & veggies.
15. i'm depressed about a most-likely death on six feet under.
16. i cried a lot at the end of harry potter and the half-blood prince.
17. i still need to buy gilmore girls season three on dvd. :(
18. i finally watched all of the components of the latest r. kelly masterpiece and i think its one of the funniest things i've ever seen in my life.
19. i like downtown vegas more than i like the strip.
20. i've been enjoying reading more than i have going out to bars lately (i'm getting old).
21. i really love bowling.
22. my truck hasn't been washed in almost a year.
23. i'm going to buy a fan this weekend for my room.
24. i want to buy a waffle-iron.
25. i really, really miss living in san francisco. i especially miss my old apartment.
26. i want to go see the arcade fire at the warfield, but don't know if anyone else is going.
27. i'm annoyed at the fact that tbs stopped showing ed and replaced it with becker. boo.
28. london is a scary place right now. for a country whose police don't carry guns, the whole "shoot them in the head" thing is a little... what? do they have zombies over there? s-c-a-r-y.
29. i want to see wedding crashers again. and batman. and star wars.
30. i have a collection of beer bottle caps, labels, etc. im trying to try as many different kinds of beers as possible.
31. korean, indian and mexican food are my three favorite genres of food.
32. i've really been into "boy" rock n roll lately.
33. i want to go to reno again.
34. netflixing tv shows is super awesome.
35. i think sushi is overrated. though i like some of them... but don't like to eat it that often.
36. i have no idea what kind of career i want to have anymore. i have a lot of thinking/experiencing to do.
37. i want to hit up old thrift stores (st. vincent depaul, goodwill, savers, etc) for old furniture.
38. i want to start borrowing books from libraries more often.
39. i still need to get a copy of bon voyage charlie brown to prove that snoopy did make a naughty hand-gesture.
40. i need to buy some new bras.
41. i'm happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh-oh. better watch out for an angry Asian Rich comment for your remark on #27. hide the women and children... BECKER SUCKS! Yeah I said it, Rich...

#18-- the most hilarious thing ever.

#5-- sick of that song. here it at work all day. Work is making me a racist, but I digress... I'll blog about it some other time.

#26-- I wanna go, but, shit, no lower reserve tix!?!?!? Otherwise, I got two words for you: BLOC PARTY!

#36-- I feel ya on that. I'm going through it right now. In fact, I just decided that "it's not for me". my choice in college that is...

#38-- I go to the lib for other reasons. you know who I'm talking about...

k i'm blogged out. later.


7:51 PM, July 26, 2005  

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