Wednesday, July 13, 2005

we had pleasure.

today was fairly productive. i ran a staff meeting. fun. my co-worker (not lorna) bought me a mango cake for my birthday and they all sang for me. that was nice. i also got my kscu access card reactivated, and verified that it worked. it did. i preordered the harry potter book, finally. ate some thai food. mmm thai-iced teas on a hot day like this make me happy. i paid my cable bill so i can watch some tv when i get home. i looked for hotels for vegas. found that most of the cheap ones i'd prefer to book are full, and found some other expensive rooms for $150. and up. arg. i got my work badge replaced after going to a billion places back and forth. man. its really hot out there.

after work im gonna go and check out that movie, "you me & everyone else" at santana row. i need to get out of this heat. ugh. i hate hot weather. afterwards i might hang out for a short while w/ shawn... get some ice cream or something. get my bday gift. =)

i feel tired. i really need to go home and clean and do laundry. i plan on going home early enough to take care of this. i feel like being a hermit... im tired of organizing stuff. i also have a free staff pass for built to spill tonite, and ive never seen them, and really should go, but im so lazy! and plus i have no one to go with.

i need to buy a fan for my bedroom. its too hot to sleep lately!!! might be due for a target visit. speaking of... i gotta go shopping and spend all my gift cards i received from my birthday! thank you thank you to everyone for my gifts: mom&dad (coldplay!), rach (the baby!), eid (nordies card), teesh (urb. card), jeff (amc/streetlight), rich (lemony snicket), robin (candles), bridget (card & $5 to buy a drink!), erika for the card and everyone else who bought me a drink, and everyone else who is still going to give me a gift (that have verbally told me!) =)

congrats to the kscu softball team for finishing up a decent season. milestones better than last season. it was fun.

okay. feeling a little off today. probably the weather. almost time for popcorn & a movie.

now playing: foreign born- in the remote woods (startime international)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's too fuckin' hot in hurre. Need to take off all my clothes. Speaking of that, Beck did an acoustic cover of it. NICE!

Good lawd I need my comp back. c ya when i c ya.


11:16 PM, July 13, 2005  

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