Wednesday, July 27, 2005

you make me wanna la-la.

mood: eager & chipper
music: ashlee simpson- autobiography (don't hate!)

yay. happy its already wednesday. our big state progress report for work is due by friday, hopefully things won't get too stressful at work. my part is pretty much done, so shouldnt be so bad.

didn't bowl that great last night. i blame the fact that earlier in the day i had to help move a big queen bed to an upstairs apartment and was tired from that. plus, i had a casualty on my right hand, aka: my bowling hand. i have internal bleeding (the bed frame pinched me!!!!!!!!!!! boo. stupid bed frames). so anyway, first game i bowled a 95, the second game i bowled a 122. not as good as last week. although.. props to homestead lanes for providing me with a yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwich that only cost me 92 cents! thats awesome!

i went home after and watched the real world austin. this show hasnt been good since the new orleans cast, but somehow each season i get sucked in, even when i start to hate it. but this one in particular has me interested only because i wanna see the south by southwest episodes, plus austin is really rad. the reason im talking about this is because they keep showing this sign for heart-shaped pizza, which i think is amazing. i want a heart-shaped pizza. heart-shaped any food, besides candy that was pre-made that way, is awesome. i am obsessed with heart-shaped things, patterns, etc right now.
(<-----super awesome!!!!)
all the fruit i bought is gone. :( i finished off the last of my blackberries when i got home yesterday. they were pretty decent. too expensive though. need to go grocery shopping today. im looking forward to spending a mellow end of the work day at home. i need to do a lot of cleaning and some more unpacking (mostly getting rid of crap i dont really need). im going to try and stop eating out at places so much. i need to save some money so i can pay off my 6,000+ credit card debt. damnit! thus.. im also trying to get my finances in order. i remember when i first moved out of my parents house, three months after my 18th birthday, i would pay every bill as soon as it came. now i wait til stuff gets turned off, or nearly turned off. no more of that. at least my truck is almost paid off. only about 4-5 months left. woohoo. that will be a nice little pocket of money to put towards savings.

alright. doctors appointment shortly. i dont think ive fully recovered, since i had to go to the bathroom like ten times this morning. i want a magic pill to make it go away. fuck tom cruise and scientology. give me meds!

i love ashlee.


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