Wednesday, July 20, 2005

my heart is yours... its you that i hold on to...

awwww. coldplay. i love them. i dont care how many people mock chris, and his campaigns (making trade fair is a good cause, btw!), and his spazzy dancing, his sappiness, his supposed 'soul-less-ness', him having a daughter named apple (ok. that you can definitely mock)... but i still love them. and its exactly thirty days until i see them. so =P

today has been a good day so far. its pretty nice and beautiful outside, not too hot. hard to be anything but cheerful on a day like this. later on i think i'll take a walk over to san jose city college to chill on their grass and read more about sundance, miramax and the weinsteins. good stuff. they are interesting people, and by that i mean completely nuts. hopefully while im there no one will mistake me for a homeless person and try to offer me a job. or perhaps they will and i'll take them up on it.

it hit me today that i only have one more month of freedom. i start school on august 23rd. be prepared to not see me at all until december from that moment. im not kidding. im taking five classes and i need to bring up my grade point average. plus im going to be working any free time i have in between classes, and probably later hours. coldplay will be my last really fun summer thing before i have to settle down.

whats up for the rest of the summer then? only one month left... here's whats going on... and what i want to do: go to vegas (leave tomorrow), camping (august 8-10), coldplay (august 19), visit my sister (any free weekend?), dads bday (august 13), see some shows (pernice bros: july 30, the ponys: august 12, new pornographers: august 24), hang out with friends, keep going bowling every tuesday (our team is called the pinettes--and watch out teammates cuz i start intermediate bowling at school in august!), read as many books for pleasure as possible, make my house feel more homey & less like an in-limbo place im just staying at, keep up with running/walking daily, spend full days in san francisco & berkeley, go to a giants game (ive already been to half of an a's game), and lastly, make a trip to the achor steam brewery. RICH... WHEN ARE WE GOING???? i have mondays off! :)

ive decided that i think harry potter book six is my fourth favorite of all of them. i rate them in the following order from most favorite to the lesser favorite: 4, 5, 3, 6, 1, 2. the fourth book has always had a special place with me, same as three, though i think five is still better. six is still really good, but im not sure how it'll sit with me over time.

bad news bears comes out on friday! i have to wait until sometime next week to see it though, since i'll be out of town. plus theres one person in particular that i need to see it with. im so excited for this movie. i have a big crush on billy bob thorton and i also love the original movie. plus from the creators of bad santa and school of rock... it can't be all that bad.

im going shopping after work to valley fair for the third day in a row. day one was for me, spent most of my gift cards, day two was jocelyn's fault. also her fault that i bought a sweater. today is berenices fault, but im not buying anything today, so i should be okay.

back to progress report for work............. i wish they were quarterly and not just twice a year! too much information to remember and not enough documentation!

peace out.

listening to: coldplay- parachutes (so many favorites on this album, so many.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm down for beers, but not this Monday cause I got work since I asked for the weekend off. WOOHOO!


3:29 PM, July 20, 2005  

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