Friday, April 29, 2005

new blog.

my dj page.

im a nerd to the nth degree. and you still love me.

this makes me very happy.

new her space holiday song.

go to sights and sounds. click on "the weight of the world."
the new record is coming out in september.


my dad is a nerd.

I checked my email today and discovered this link from my dad. the only thing he wrote was, "FYI. - dad" HAHAHA.

Here's one of my favorite parts of Vader's blog:

When I met him I thought to myself, "This is exactly how I have dreamed a Jedi Knight to be."

He was pure. He had no relations with either women or men. He ate no meat, and he barely slept. He drank only water and wine. The Force swirled around him like a cape, and when I closed my eyes I could see the figures it described burning against the darkness of my eyelids.

I think I thought he was a god. I know I thought he would be my dad.

Oh man. Only 20 more days. Its hard to believe. My plans arent even set yet, which is definitely unprecedented. Normally I'd have my opening day tickets for Century 22 and have a whole gameplan set. Not this year. What is everyone doing? Which theater are you hitting? What times? I have to check my finals schedule, and make sure I don't have anything going on that day.

i think my ideal showing to attend would be: century 22 @ 8:45, and its on the digital projection screen. yeah. that sounds pretty good.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

i'm frustrated.

my car is shit right now. i think im going to crash as it gives out and my windshield will shatter in my face. im not joking.
my co-worker is frustrating me like crazy.
i have a million school papers and projects to deal with.
i have a youth planning meeting in about an hour and its going to be completely unorganized which frustrates me to all hell.
people being late bugs the shit out of me.
i didnt bring any music with me to work.

today is very blah.

jet blue is AWESOME!

i would love to take advantage of this:

from $89 each way
Between Boston, MA and San Jose, CA
7-day advance purchase is required. Sale fare must be booked by Apr 28, 2005. Travel must be completed between Apr 26, 2005 and Jun 22, 2005. Blackout dates for all travel are between May 26 and May 31, 2005. Nonstop service between Boston and San Jose begins May 3, 2005.
Other restrictions apply.*

from $89 each way
Between New York City, NY (JFK) and Salt Lake City, UT, or San Jose, CA
7-day advance purchase is required. Sale fare must be booked by Apr 28, 2005. Travel must be completed between Apr 26, 2005 and Jun 22, 2005. Blackout dates for all travel are between May 26 and May 31, 2005.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


i can't stop reading this blog. thanks jeff.

now listening: spoon- gimme fiction (merge)

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

travel time.

im getting that bug again. the one that tells me i need a vacation. not that i need time away from work and people. but just the simple pleasure of travel itself. visiting new cities, new places, new people. i went to vegas in january. before that it was new york in october. still, its not the kind of vacation im talking about. i dont wanna go away to party. i dont want insanity. i want mellow. i want romantic. i want to go away with my boy somewhere and not have to worry about anything at all.

here's some places i wouldnt mind escaping to.

in the united states:
washington dc
new orleans

in the non-u.s.:
glasgow/edinburgh (scotland)
ireland (anywhere)
portugal (anywhere)
japan (cherry blossoms!!)

well. since im broke, the non-us trips are probably out until i graduate college in the fall of this year. (finally). but i do plan on taking another trip out of the country at that time. until then... maybe i can scrape pennies to even take a trip and getaway for a handful of days. it would be nice.

now playing: prefuse 73: surrounded by silence (warp records)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

coming clean...

random fess-ups.

  1. i own the ashlee simpson album.
  2. i actually paid for it.
  3. i think i might actually really like, love even, the u2 song: city of blinding lights. it has this amazingly pretty guitar bit.
  4. i like queens of the stone age.
  5. i cheated on my no-soda diet and drank root beer today.
  6. i also purchase a pepsi-holiday spice when i was out surveying stores today (its seasonal!)
  7. i can't stand that jay-z + linkin park song.
  8. i am completely obsessed with the rewind at noon, and even sent an email in to get a listener number.
  9. im contemplating going to the oasis/jet/kasabian show at shoreline. if i can get free tickets.
  10. the new ponys album is completely amazing.
time to get off work now. buh-bye.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

changes like the wind...

so im already in a more CHIPPER mood. (sorry i couldnt resist, im recording the braves game, not for my own enjoyment obviously, but because im a nice person).

i feel better then i did when i first woke up. i took a shower. made an iced chai. and have so far worked a bunch on the paper im trying to finish. not that the underlying issues are resolved, but i can finally concentrate on the things i need to.

i think it helped that my mom called me to ask if i owned kill bill volume 2. i guess her and my dad finally watched part 1 which i loaned them eons ago. they liked it which made me happy. she told me she's probably gonna watch part 2 at 11:30. what a good sunday morning/afternoon movie. hahaha.

okay. back to my responsibilities.

oh and i finally heard the new prefuse 73 album and its fucking rad. im gonna burn myself a copy. oh and the new garbage is kinda fun too. catchy songs. new hot hot heat is only okay. some decent numbers, but not as good as their last one. bad timing when every band out right now sounds like them, even though they came out first. oh well. sorry canadians!

now watching: braves vs. mets. (TBS, i hate you :)


do you ever feel like no one REALLY listens to you? i am kinda feeling like that... like i have no one there for me. i dont know if its the pressure or stress to do things for other people... when i know i have things i need to do for me.

ok. i guess i should be getting back to my paper and other various things i need to finish up... i feel so unmotivated.

i guess im just feeling sad. thats allowed, right?

Thursday, April 07, 2005

back at kscu.

got a show again on the underground sound.
starts up again this monday, 8-10 a.m.
drive time!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

goodbye sf. i will miss you.

so i got the apartment i wanted. its in los gatos. though it feels more like campbell. its off winchester/knowles. its pretty rad. i love it.

k. i have mad papers to right. later.