Tuesday, April 12, 2005

coming clean...

random fess-ups.

  1. i own the ashlee simpson album.
  2. i actually paid for it.
  3. i think i might actually really like, love even, the u2 song: city of blinding lights. it has this amazingly pretty guitar bit.
  4. i like queens of the stone age.
  5. i cheated on my no-soda diet and drank root beer today.
  6. i also purchase a pepsi-holiday spice when i was out surveying stores today (its seasonal!)
  7. i can't stand that jay-z + linkin park song.
  8. i am completely obsessed with the rewind at noon, and even sent an email in to get a listener number.
  9. im contemplating going to the oasis/jet/kasabian show at shoreline. if i can get free tickets.
  10. the new ponys album is completely amazing.
time to get off work now. buh-bye.


Blogger bardot said...

i drink soda every now and then too. shhhh.

i want to go to that oasis show too!!! no way i'm going to pay all that money though. blah.

what listener number did you get?

11:17 AM, April 14, 2005  

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