Thursday, April 21, 2005

i'm frustrated.

my car is shit right now. i think im going to crash as it gives out and my windshield will shatter in my face. im not joking.
my co-worker is frustrating me like crazy.
i have a million school papers and projects to deal with.
i have a youth planning meeting in about an hour and its going to be completely unorganized which frustrates me to all hell.
people being late bugs the shit out of me.
i didnt bring any music with me to work.

today is very blah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's highly recommended that you something about your car. if your tires are bald, then pay the piper and get some new ones and remember to rotate them every 6 months. So worth it. As for that other stuff that irks you, just sass it out or something.

When's the next Happy Hour? I'll get ya a beer or two.


9:49 PM, April 22, 2005  

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