Wednesday, April 13, 2005

travel time.

im getting that bug again. the one that tells me i need a vacation. not that i need time away from work and people. but just the simple pleasure of travel itself. visiting new cities, new places, new people. i went to vegas in january. before that it was new york in october. still, its not the kind of vacation im talking about. i dont wanna go away to party. i dont want insanity. i want mellow. i want romantic. i want to go away with my boy somewhere and not have to worry about anything at all.

here's some places i wouldnt mind escaping to.

in the united states:
washington dc
new orleans

in the non-u.s.:
glasgow/edinburgh (scotland)
ireland (anywhere)
portugal (anywhere)
japan (cherry blossoms!!)

well. since im broke, the non-us trips are probably out until i graduate college in the fall of this year. (finally). but i do plan on taking another trip out of the country at that time. until then... maybe i can scrape pennies to even take a trip and getaway for a handful of days. it would be nice.

now playing: prefuse 73: surrounded by silence (warp records)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

come to chicago. you have a place to stay!!!

10:58 PM, April 17, 2005  

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