Sunday, April 10, 2005

changes like the wind...

so im already in a more CHIPPER mood. (sorry i couldnt resist, im recording the braves game, not for my own enjoyment obviously, but because im a nice person).

i feel better then i did when i first woke up. i took a shower. made an iced chai. and have so far worked a bunch on the paper im trying to finish. not that the underlying issues are resolved, but i can finally concentrate on the things i need to.

i think it helped that my mom called me to ask if i owned kill bill volume 2. i guess her and my dad finally watched part 1 which i loaned them eons ago. they liked it which made me happy. she told me she's probably gonna watch part 2 at 11:30. what a good sunday morning/afternoon movie. hahaha.

okay. back to my responsibilities.

oh and i finally heard the new prefuse 73 album and its fucking rad. im gonna burn myself a copy. oh and the new garbage is kinda fun too. catchy songs. new hot hot heat is only okay. some decent numbers, but not as good as their last one. bad timing when every band out right now sounds like them, even though they came out first. oh well. sorry canadians!

now watching: braves vs. mets. (TBS, i hate you :)


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