Friday, April 29, 2005

my dad is a nerd.

I checked my email today and discovered this link from my dad. the only thing he wrote was, "FYI. - dad" HAHAHA.

Here's one of my favorite parts of Vader's blog:

When I met him I thought to myself, "This is exactly how I have dreamed a Jedi Knight to be."

He was pure. He had no relations with either women or men. He ate no meat, and he barely slept. He drank only water and wine. The Force swirled around him like a cape, and when I closed my eyes I could see the figures it described burning against the darkness of my eyelids.

I think I thought he was a god. I know I thought he would be my dad.

Oh man. Only 20 more days. Its hard to believe. My plans arent even set yet, which is definitely unprecedented. Normally I'd have my opening day tickets for Century 22 and have a whole gameplan set. Not this year. What is everyone doing? Which theater are you hitting? What times? I have to check my finals schedule, and make sure I don't have anything going on that day.

i think my ideal showing to attend would be: century 22 @ 8:45, and its on the digital projection screen. yeah. that sounds pretty good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BOOO! AMC 20 MERCADO! MIDNIGHT SHOWING, sitting in line throwing rocks at all the dweebs who think they can control the Force but get knocked out with my rock throwing skills! C'mon, NICOLE! I'm gonna be there with my sister, whose named after the Princess. Should be fun, eh.


12:08 PM, April 29, 2005  

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