Monday, March 20, 2006

some people think they're always right.

mood: sleepy
music: the strokes- impressions of earth

this weather makes me LAZY! incredibly lazy. i would like very much to go home and watch tv or lay in bed and read. that would be nice. damn the man.

i just came back from having lunch with joce and ryan. we had pupusas--reveuletas--i dont know how to spell it (pork & cheese) are yummy in my tummy. and also made me full so now i want to take a nap.

yesterday i stayed in doors all day. i make no apologies for it. it felt good. i did work out though on my exercise bike, and did some crunches and weight lifting. but mostly i did nothing. i watched some more of nip/tuck season 2. that show is... well... overly dramatic and ridiculous--but i'll continue to watch it. i spent some time reading about teri hatcher's childhood tragedy in the latest vanity fair. later on in the day i began to catch up on the current season of 24. thanks tyler for putting the first handful of episodes on tape for me. dang. i am still hot for jack bauer. the show is seriously addicting. but... the main event of the evening was the second new episode of the sopranos. WARNING: SPOILER ALERT. STOP READING IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS THIS SEASON. STOP READING NOW. okay. so this episode was extremely dark and sad. if they kill off tony soprano i will feel a mix of emotions i am not yet prepared to deal with. first. i would feel cheated. cheated that i had to wait two years for new episodes, wait two years for more of tony, and to have him be shot in the first episode is just cheap. but second... it could make for an extremely intense and bad ass season. with no clear person in line to replace tony, and with the clash of characters... it could seriously give the show a major kick. i dont know though. killed by uncle junior, aj is right, that would be just embarassing. but i dont appreciate the mummy head jokes at junior's expense. the man has a disease. im not excusing him, but dementia is a sad illness. well. what do i think is going to happen? i think we are going to have to say goodbye to tony. last night's episode made it really seem like the characters were saying their goodbyes to tony, and it was such an intense episode that i cant imagine him being okay. and if he doesnt die, im not sure he will even remember who he is anymore (they alluded to memory loss). but... we shall see. we shall see.

tyler just called me about 24. we chatted a bit about the first three episodes of this season. they finally addressed a problem i felt the show has had over the last couple of seasons. the inability to let some of its characters go. lets just say that the first episode took care of the problem. good stuff. tyler is also helping me w/ group hookups for the new movie "thank you for smoking" which i am organizing a field trip w/ the youth to go and see. the trailer for the film is HILARIOUS.

speaking of movies, i went and saw v for vendetta on saturday. i had to avoid making comparisons of the film and the comic book, which took about half of the film to do so, but in the end i really enjoyed it. i did scoff during one scene in the film that was very hollywood. mizz portman is hoTT stuff though. im looking forward to checking out the inside man, the latest spike lee joint. i still wanted to see block party too.

saturday evening i went over to eidelyns and michaels for their get-together/party. i had a lot of fun. drank some really good punch and some good irish beers left over from st. pattys day. also had some healthy and not-so-healthy snacks. enjoyed good conversation with people i havent seen in a really long time. then on the way home me and lulu were stuck in accident-traffic (w/ a fatality), that had us parked on 85 for at least an hour and a half... getting us home somewhere around 4-ish.

okaaaaay. going back to doing work now. new pornographers & belle and sebastian show is tomorrow night! i cannot wait!



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