Tuesday, July 05, 2005

the space in which we travel in...

this is the funniest thing ive read so far today.
its pop tarts for breakfast this morning. i was feeling nauseous, so decided i should try to eat something. then i remembered that last week when i went to get some pop tarts from the vending machine, they got stuck. i attempted to hit the machine but it wouldnt budge, so i just bought another package and saved one for now.

i just discovered half our staff arent working today. this makes me happy.
my fourth of july was pretty nice. saw some fireworks. got to actually see rick's place, and hang out with him, teshia, joce and some more of their friends. i like hanging out with them, they drink really good wine. mmm.

my sister is still baby-less. its the waiting game at this point. once she goes into labor, im left to house and dog sit for my parents. im actually looking forward to it. its away from everyone, its quiet, tons of food stocked!, plus.... freakin' ON DEMAND!!!!!!!!!! im not going to want to leave the house, so its good i dont get cell phone reception, no one can bother me! :)

then there's my birthday. arg. no big group birthday dinner this year just bar visits. im thinking of starting at gordon biercsh, then going to the cinnebar and whatever happens from there, happens. im not really into planning or having some big-to-do, i just want to hang out with people and have complete control of the jukebox at the cinnebar. that would be rad.

birthday wishlist: gilmore girls season 3, movie theater passes (my therapy), lemony snicket books (10, 11), a new job, a new windshield,....... i dunno. whatever you are going to give me is fine. haha.
plans for the rest of the day: mail some stuff i should have mailed a week or so ago, eat korean food for lunch (hopefully!), drop mail off at kscu, go to dinner w/ jocelyn (right??), attend general staff meeting, then go bowling (hopefully i wasnt kicked off the team for not attending last week).

im already sleepy. whats wrong with me? i am sleeping way too much lately.

now playing: various artists- xlr8r incite 24


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm down for bar hopping on the first day of Nicoliekkah. Call me to see what's up, since my computer bit the dust. Or I'll just call you. Whatever comes first.

I saw Me You and Everyone We Know today. VERY ODD. ME LIKEY!

Shall we see the 2nd appearance of Rich at the Blank Club? HAHAHAHA!

Not having a comp anymore SUCKS!


9:21 PM, July 05, 2005  

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