Thursday, June 30, 2005

this is just sad...

i just got overly excited by the bright pink folders i found in our supply cabinet. i snagged some for future use. its like temporary zoloft. arent those little zoloft pill-blob things so adorable?

when a simple thing like this makes you entirely too happy, ... can you say relocation?

also, im famished so it could be a factor.

currently listening: to my stomach growling! (where is lorna so i can go to lunch already!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what sucks? when your computer won't boot up! Corrupted hard drives suck! ARRRGH!!

But I'll keep in contact with you someway. Expect seeing a lot of carrier pidgeons at your door. PRRRRRRRRR...

Got an extra computer that I can borrow? Anyone?


2:41 PM, July 01, 2005  

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