Monday, June 27, 2005

desperate apologies.......? or pleas of forgiveness.....? or one in the same....?

today as i was driving home on highway 17... i was just passing the hamilton exit, or was nearly passing it, i cant remember,.... but i saw a sign on an overpass that read, "i sorry cha loopa". i thought of two things, 1) wow. thats a nice way of saying you're sorry to someone you love and 2) did that just say cha loopa? are they talking about a taco? and i also thought they had poor grammar or perhaps didnt speak english well.

i prefer to believe my initial thought. someone making an attempt to say sorry to someone they care about. its a nice thought. it made me smile in a sad way.

more stuff to come later... (im in a blog-writing mood, but i must concentrate on puting a dent in my stack of records i have left to review).

now listening & reviewing: smog- a river ain't too much to love (drag city).


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