Sunday, July 03, 2005

amazingly productive... depending on how you look at life..

today's accomplishments (as in... my lazy saturday)
* drove berenice home 'round 11 a.m.
* ate two corndogs.
* managed to not get out of my pj's until 7:30p.m.-ish. half an hour before lulu came by to go to kenny's party. i consider this my major accomplishment of the day.
* watched the rest of the wonderfalls dvds. this activity probably totaled about eight hours. this show is really really good. i find a lot of similar qualities in common with the main character. mostly the being moody and indecisive.
* washed two loads of laundry. arent clean sheets the best?
* watched bits of the live 8 coverage on mtv/vh1. spent a lot of that time trying to avoid seeing u2, thus avoiding the sharp shooting pains in my heart that i now associate with them. during my time viewing i would like to make the following observations: mtv/vh1 vj's have NO journalistic skills WHATSOEVER, who EVER gave maroon 5 permission to cover neil young should be shot, pete townsend can really rock the jean jacket, beyonce is a spaz onstage but unfortunately did not fall during *destiny's child's* performance, will smith still fucking sucks and could be easily replaced by anyone, ummm whatever. i have nothing more to say.
* ate a whole thing of sliced canned peaches.
* avoided worrying about a number of things that i am worrying about now, at this moment.
* spoke with my mom for twenty minutes. this reminded me that i am supposed to watch their dog/house once my sister has the baby. i hope my sister has it soon so that i can mooch of my parents food next week since i wont have money to eat. this isnt ghetto, my mom called me to see what kinda food i wanted to be stocked up for me.
* eventually i left the house and went to kennys birthday party. ate a lot of really good veggie/vegan food. hung out with people for a bit. watched lulu act loopy, and did my best to avoid kscu business related chatting for fear of getting into a major argument. oh, and saw a very disturbing dance move from someone i would never want to see dance. or really, dont like to see period. (the person)

today's revelations
* i need to stop drinking so much. i know that im very emotionally unstable, and the drinking makes it worse. note to self: become the designated driver more often, and stick with beer.
* i am contemplating more about the possibility of moving away (seattle/so-cal) after i graduate.
* i dont know what the hell im doing for fourth of july, or my birthday. this doesnt bother me in the least bit.
* i avoid answering my phone a lot more these days.
* becoming a hermit seems very likely.

tomorrow's plans
* start running again. exercising triggers happy mood changing feelings, and i could use that.
* pay my rent. also- deposit pennies so that this becomes possible.
* call laura and let her know that my drunk message i left her did not say that my sister had her baby and that im now an auntie.
* avoid more phone calls.
* watch entourage and six feet under (it moves back to sundays THIS week right?)
* possibly watch a movie earlier in the day. solo-movie watching is my therapy.
* train new mds at kscu. blah. not a high motivation on the list.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

disturbing dance moves? even more disturbing than Rich's?

don't be talking all that hermit crap. I'm king hermit, kid! NO computer, a bunch of old farts living in my house, and I spend all my time in my room watching TV and listening to music. That's HERMIT!

I too have to start jogging again. I'll start that when I buy new shoes.

Me You and Everyone WE know is playing at Cinearts. The trailer looks cool. I'm gonna check it out on Tuesday or Wednesday (my days off). Solo or not.


1:29 PM, July 03, 2005  

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