Wednesday, June 29, 2005

always feeling the need for change.

in case you havent noticed, i have problems sticking with one design for my blog. like my hair, where i live, and other things in my life, i feel the constant need to change it up. this layout is more simplified. i like it. i'll try to take the font size down a notch.

i got some good news at work today. i will leave it at that, since im pretty sure my work spies on me regularly.

my friend julie is coming to visit from chicago. in fact, she could already be here. i think they are all going to an a's game, and avi is telling me to go, but i havent decided. maybe i can meet up w/ them later or definitely friday night for sure. bamboo 7? cinnebar? i havent seen julie in sooooo long. we keep up on each others lives through our blogs, haha. sad i know. when she lived out here everyone thought we were sisters or even confused us with eachother. im excited to hang out with her in some swanky san jose bars.

speaking of awesome bars. about two weeks ago, me and ryan went to this bar on north first street, it was called trials. im not sure if it was an irish pub, but they did have a lot of irish beers on tap. the place has lots of seating, a nice mix of older-mid twenty-somethings and up, good music, nice & funny bartenders, no obnoxious frat-boys, thus people are capable of holding conversations and it closed really early. i guess thats good for more of an after work kinda bar. they announced last call at around 11:30. then kicked most of us out by midnight.

okay. back to the daily grind. im in the process of booking campsites for our annual youth retreat-camping trip. we always camp at manresa state beach, its a nice area. scary at night, as you drive into the campsite entrance, there's fog and a big scary house on a hill. its like the house on haunted hill. last year i had to sleep in a kids tent because there wasnt enough room for everyone in the other tents. one of my youth, he actually slept outside. but i was too tall for the kids tent so i had to sleep diagonally. it sucked.


now playing: dj shadow- endtroducing...deluxe edition, disc 2: excessive ephemera (island-universal)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah its the walkway path before you hit hamilton... that some f*cked up broken engurish!

i sorry cha loopa? wtf!

there are swanky bars in san jose? im sorry i didnt notice! haha

manresa rules! thats the beach to go to if you want to avoid the masses at seacliff etc on busy holiday weekends. the surfs cool there too.


12:20 PM, June 29, 2005  

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