Friday, June 24, 2005

choking on the thought of leaving...

this morning as i was driving to work i had a revelation. the alkaline trio/rise against show is july 22............................(long pause)......................... i am leaving for vegas on july 21st. i bought my alkaline trio ticket monday. anyone need a ticket? =( damnity-damn-damn-damn! i was looking forward to this show sooooooooo friggin' much and now boooo.

oh well.

get over it nicole. you CAN'T GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so i found someone angrier than nathan. :) this guy swears A LOT.
ive had a bit of a ghetto week. on monday, my dsl got turned off. and last night when i got home i found that my cable was shut off. i hate responsibility right now. im tired. i wish for like at least one month i had someone else around who could take care of me and help with stuff.

speaking of R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y, i signed up for my last semester of classes yesterday. ugh. most people don't have faith that i will graduate next semester. this is because i have to take a total of five classes (two of which are p.e. and one of the other ones includes a lab component). classes include: biostatistics (w/ a lab), the health care professional, strategic writing for the organization (public relations class), and jogging and intermediate bowling. yes im intermediate. the jogging and bowling classes are twice a week, one after the other. i will be floating back and forth between classes and work and it should all be incredibly fun. basically after i start school, i will see you all at the end of december.

my schedule is going to SUCK. but i HAVE to do it. i have to. there's no way around it. i am getting depressed still being in school at 24 (i turn 24 in exactly two weeks from now). i feel stuck here until i graduate.
on to the weekend festivities...
last nite i saw cinderella man. i really liked it, and im sure crowe will get a oscar nod, but my boy paul giamatti really deserves one. it was just a really great touchy-feely (in a good way) ron howard-directed story. though its a boxing movie (although its more of a story about the man and not the sport... obviously), there are some really nice romantic moods to the film. awwwwwwwww.

tonite im gonna be slummin' it over at the caravan. colin and olgie's band, "touch my rash" is playing and i cant miss that. especially after seein' colin rock the sinead o'connor and olga rock the ac/dc last weekend at karaoke. if anything, caravan has cheap beer. and ive been a good girl all week, so im due for at least one or two beers. hopefully jocelyn will come out so we can see her before she goes off to cancun for a week or so.

tomorrow is eid's b-day party and michael's grad. celebratation. that should be good, just have to make sure no one wrestles/breakdances to the point of breaking/spilling things.

currently listening to: alkaline trio- goddamnit (im still mad im going to miss this show!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

since when did you breakdance?

It's about time you update your blog.


3:39 PM, June 24, 2005  

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