Thursday, February 24, 2005

i hate everyone.

yes. its true. everyone. especially healthy people. and especially doctors. i had an allergic reaction to the medicine that was prescribed to me. what a joke. my gums and tongue are all swollen. i can barely eat. ive been bed-ridden the last couple days. blah. all will be well when i can brush my teeth w/o feeling extreme pain and when i can eat crunchy foods again w/o extreme pain.


Blogger psylentjay said...

aww that sucks. Fuck allergic reactions. If it makes you feel better, I'll have Rich's ghetto pass revoked. Or you can check out the Futureheads on Conan tonight. In the meantime, don't brush your teeth if it hurts. It's all about mouthwash.

1:09 PM, February 24, 2005  
Blogger bardot said...

there was this one time i took a mouthwash that was supposed to help my reoccuring periodontal disease, but instead caused a mouthful of really painful sores.

gross, i know.

of course, there's the weird stuff that happens to my lips when i eat mangos.

oh, then there was this one time my gums inflamed for no reason. that was fun!

ibuprofen should be your new friend.

man, i hate healthy people too.

1:40 PM, February 27, 2005  

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