Thursday, February 17, 2005

a february hibernation

every now and again i tire of going out, partying, planning things... i just get into a mode where i wanna mellow out. stay at home. watch movies. read books. listen to music. snuggle in bed. hibernate so-to-speak. i cant even remember the last show i went to. arcade fire? idiot pilot? i dont remember! its so long ago. this is where avi might call me up to have some adventure and i would tell him ..."sorry avi but im just going to be boring." he understands.

i think i am in this state now. part of it is probably my declining health (which i have a doctors appt. for friday to hopefully remedy)... and another part of it is the rain and winter weather. and mostly i am just happy doing it. some of my friends think im being distant or just lame or whatever, but i dont really care. if they know me, they know not to take it personal. although, i feel like part of my liking to be this way is more long-term. things are changing for me and im becoming more settled into my life and who i am. and im not at all saying that im going to stop drinking or going out and having weird adventures, im just saying that im not afraid of feeling more settled in, and im not afraid of giving up things in order to satisfy other aspects of my life. and i like having this feeling.

what am i talking about? you may be confused but it all makes sense to me. :)

on to something else... i might be ready to already move out of san francisco. its been six months. i have finally admitted it to myself that i am too exhausted to live there and keep commuting (go ahead all you haters and say you told me so or whatever). either way, i am happy enough having lived there for as long as i did. i had many, many, many great memories there already, so it will always have a special place in my heart. plus i plan on going back to live there as soon as i can get a job up there. i thought i would be able to spend more time trying to find a job, but i dont really see that realisticly happening any time soon. so i have a new plan. moving mid-way. as depressed as i will be to have to leave my place in the city that i feel so at home at... i would be even more depressed to have to move back to san jose. there's just something that depresses me about it. instead, im going to move mid-way. either mt. view or sunnyvale. most likely mt. view.
wondercon is happening this weekend. im going. are you? i've never been, so this year its my time. plus kevin smith is going to be there. :)
and dont forget about noise pop either. the lineup is pretty great this year. i know i will at least be at the teddie leo show. ive NEVER missed him when he's come, and i know thats sad but i ADORE him.
and from now on (im not sure if i have before), but i will NOT be discussing anything negative about my job. i am pretty paranoid after reading about how that chick got fired for badmouthing her job and boss on her personal blog. that's insane. doesnt that violate her rights? silly. i think im gonna have to go and look back and edit anything that might get me fired. :)
i just saw this: STARS SHOW!!!! :) !!!!
Saturday March 26, 2005 @ BIMBOS!!! sweet. oh and i still have to get my kings of convenience ticket! i will do that right now. i cant believe though that its twenty fucking dollars. that seems like a lot to me.

listening and swooning over romanticly: stars- set yourself on fire (ooooh)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the lead singer of Kings of Convenience looks like a cross between that red-headed bully from A Christmas Story and Napoleon Dynamite. That guy rules!!! I'll need to get my ticket soon. Word to the evil plastic credit card.

1:21 PM, February 17, 2005  
Blogger n. said...

oh yes. erlend oye makes me swoon.

2:22 PM, February 17, 2005  
Blogger bardot said...

y'all know my love for erlend.

hopefully, he does his little dance during the show!

5:44 PM, February 17, 2005  
Blogger psylentjay said...

Oye vei!

HAHA Get it? Cause his last name is Oye. HAHAHA! (Did I even spell that right? Pardon my Jewishness.)

6:16 PM, February 18, 2005  

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