Saturday, February 26, 2005

feeling lethargic.

so ive been down at kscu for two hours now and the only things ive done is spend the time chatting on aim and spend time on myspace. i discovered a couple new folks that i didnt know were on it. and the fact of the matter is, i dont really care for these people, so why do i find it necessary to look at their myspace page and find out what they've been up to? there's a trigger in my mind that is referred to as curiosity i suppose. oh well. i like reading peoples blogs too. i like reading about people's lives. i guess this is the world that we live in now so i have just happily accepted it.

any way, so i actually have a ton of shit i should be doing. being as i was sick all week, there's a bunch of kscu shit that i should be catching up on.. such as listening to the stacks of music that have come in. and now that i think about it, i havent been listening to anything since i got down here. i am holed up in the office that hardly any one has a key to, cuz im not really feeling like chattin w/ current dj thats on the air cuz she has a band and its all just too messy for me. plus im feeling pretty nauseous... though i think my benadryl finally kicked in so i am in a less cranky mood.

now i just have to figure out what im going to do for the rest of my evening.

oscars tomorrow. probably gonna be another boring awards show. though i will happily spend my time watching it and hopefully my gums will be less sore so that i can enjoy eating.



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