Wednesday, February 16, 2005

strike anywhere & coffee

the perfect pick me up cuz im freakin tired. gosh darnit. i couldnt stop coughing last nite. i know its silly that im working in the health field but i hate going to the doctor. actually.. i dont hate the actual experience, the real reason im lazy about it, is cuz i need a new doctor. and that takes work. but alas.. thats what im doing right now. i think i have the black lung disease. ewww.

happy belated valentines day. mine was loverly. (been reading too much lemony snicket) but thats all im going to say. oh and i love valentines cookies. yummy.

i saw an amazing tv show the other day. and by amazing.. i mean completely retarded and unbelievable. i watched that sweet sixteen show on mtv. i was totally into it and appalled and feeling so many things at once. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH SPOILED BRATS IN ALL OF MY LIFE. my jaw was dropping. first the girl tells her dad (i think her parents are divorced) that if he doesnt buy her the SUV she wants that she will hate him for the rest of her life. then a day later this girl snuck out of the house to go to santa barbara because her mom told her she was not allowed to. then when her mom finds out, she calls and has her credit cards shut off... so the girl calls up her daddy and whines about it and cries and bitches. this was after the mom had gotten the last four credit card readings at it totaled around 4,000 dollars! WTF! so this is all happening a day or two before the girls 16th birthday... which btw--her party is totaling around 200,000 dollars!!!!!!!!@#$%@#%!!@!!! then she gets back and her parents take her out for her birthday dinner and tell her she is not getting her car. she freakin' breaks down and cries hysterically and tells them that they ruined her birthday. then on her birthday her dad freakin brings her downstairs and he bought her the goddamned fucking car! WHAT A JOKE. i could not believe this shit. when i was 15/16 all i was doing was getting drunk and smoking weed. i was still taking the bus everywhere. any how... that show is really retardedly entrancing to watch. be careful.

any way. i gotta go call and make a doctors appointment now. more later...

now playing: strike anywhere- to live in discontent


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