Tuesday, May 16, 2006

new discoveries...

my sister called me last night to excitedly tell me that avi was on the front page of the sacramento bee. RAD. here's the link. i need to call this guy at some point (when he's back from tour).

also, i found a
livejournal of jocelyn's! i just spent about 20 minutes or so reading some of the old entries and reminicing about some of the times we've shared together. i especially enjoyed the popscene reference to me being fun because of my drunkeness. its true. popscene aint fun unless you're drunk.

well its after 6 and im officially off work. i spent two hours in a pandemic flu training today. my favorite moment of the training: when someone asked "should we stop feeding birds, then?"

yesterday i upgraded my flickr to a pro-account which means you can be expecting some updates on there. especially of the recent wedding and bachelorette party. though... i might have to edit some of the incriminating ones of berenice, cuz i dont wanna pussy-block.

on that note, time to leave. kscu ("more than a feelin'") softball game happening in half an hour.

peace bitches.


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