Friday, August 19, 2005

i have problems.

current mood: excited and happy!! (coldplay!!!!! & korean food!!!!)
current music: foo fighters- in your honor (disc 2--i still have a fat crush on dave grohl).

disovered another blog. ha. i found this one cause i was stalking myself and she posted about my kscu dj alter-ego, and two other kscu djs; bardot and clarity. any way. this right hu-ere is the blog. the post im referring to, is here. interesting. well. not really. any way. she posts A LOT.

i also posted links to some more blogs that ive recently discovered..on the sidebar, yo.

my computer is at the doctor. well, at my dad's work. hes attempting to fix the problems its been having. such as re-booting every time i log in, or just plain ol' freezing up. fucking useless machine. hes going to get me some equipment to help prevent this from happening in the future. 'bout time. ive always been the computer neglected one in the family. "oh nicole doesnt care about technology-related shit, just get her anything." while this is true, i still like my low-grade products to at least function. hopefully it should be fixed before school begins on wednesday.

i also applied to be part of a focus group for women about car care. hahaha. as most of you know, im not really that caring when it comes to my truck. two big cracks in my windshield, dunno even when my last oil change was, hasnt been washed in over a year. the two hour focus group pays 75 bucks though! i really need that 75 dollars. they better select me.

coldplay concert is tonite. we'll be parking ourselves somewhere high up on the lawn, tho this time i'll be smart enough to bring a blanket to sit on. and warm clothes cuz it gets pretty cold there at night.

dunno if anyone, besides the one person i know for sure, listens to howard stern in the mornings. but i have been pretty much listening daily and today was pretty hilarious. willie nelson was on, and one of howard's cast of characters--jeff the drunk, made a deal to behave if he could come in to meet him. shit was hilarious. they sang a duet together and that shit was better than elton john and kiki dee. okay. that reference makes no sense, but you catch my drift---BITCH.

had indian food last night. mmmmm. royal taj indian food on camden is still fucking delicious. the curry chicken makhanwala or whatever is THE DISH! shit is sooooooooooooo good. mmm mmm mmmmmmmmm. j-town korean food for lunch to celebrate mine and lorna's pay-day! ive been waiting for this for two weeks! just one more hour to go.......


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