Thursday, August 18, 2005

are you the music snob of my dreams?

i spend way too much time online. reading blogs. finding enjoyment from people who have a similar dry sense of humor to me.

thus... when i discovered the blog that hosted this picture, i was quite happy. i laughed out loud and was very pleased. that picture is now my wallpaper here at work. oh. and the actual blog that had the link/posting for this is called, "rock snob: because we're better and we know it." you can find it here.

ive decided i want a job where i can surf the internet all day long. can google hire me? or better yet, i'd like a job where i surf the internet all day, then write about what i find. an internet surfing journalist! come on! ive seen people who have this job. they arent any better than me, and who cares if all i have is two years of journalism in high school. ive taken a couple of journalism classes at san jose state! doesnt years of blogging and being a music nerd/pop culture junkie count for something? especially with my sparkling personality!

and if i cant have a job like that, i think ill just go back to customer service type jobs. a job where i can see an end to the day. jobs where there requires no self-motivation to complete work. jobs where its just something that you HAVE to do. you HAVE to serve the price-complaining, whining fucking bitch of a customer their tub of artery-clogging greasy buttered popcorn. they give you the five bucks for it, you give them their receipt and tell them to enjoy their movie. you HAVE to clean up the large soda that has spilled for the THIRD time because people don't listen when you tell them to carry their cups from the bottom. and you HAVE to give them their money back when the film breaks down because 16-year-olds who are getting paid $5.75 are running the projectors. well i dont want to go back to working at a movie theater. i could work in a bookstore, maybe a used one to keep some hipster-points or something. perhaps i could work at a video store. do you think bradley video is hiring? i always liked working at mrs. fields. free cookies and milk whenever i want. yeah.


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