Thursday, August 25, 2005

i guess we'll just have to adjust....

mood: cheeky & cheery
music: arcade fire- funeral (fuck people on craigs list for selling tickets for 75 bucks. lame asses.)

the day started out well. i managed to not feel extremely exhausted when i woke up this morning. which is unusual. i drag myself out of bed and put on a replayed (i dont have tivo, yo) real world austin from this week. that show is so stupid. then i did my morning exercises, which im very happy with myself that ive been keeping up with. i rule. then i decided i had time to watch an episode of gilmore girls season 3 (rory disses dean... AGAIN for jess). any way. i was too lazy to shower... i havent showered in like 3 days. gross. :) but i know i have a short day today, so i figure im not stinky (i'm not!), so i can last. plus its been all cubicle work this week so no one really has to smell me if i do stink. so =P.

i have impressed myself with my eating habits lately. i actually go to the grocery store and buy fruit. :) and i eat it. today to work i brought the following items: yogurt (boysenberry--its my favorite!), a banana, a plum and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

any way. i get into work and check my email and there's an email from my instructor for my biostats class telling us that all the lab classes are canceled until he holds the lecture class. SWEET. my class was supposed to be today. so instead, i finish up work at 2:30 and get to go home early! now i can take a shower, watch my netflix (the notebook, deadwood, and overnight- this documentary on troy duffy that kevin smith's blog told me to check out), and do other stuff.

i really miss my computer. being such a blog whore can be draining when i find all this awesome stuff i wanna download or listen to, and my work computer won't let me !!!!!!! booooooooooo!!!! i need to call my dad and force him to work on it, since i doubt he has even started. i havent even heard the new her space holiday album yet! someone burn it for me until it comes out in stores!!

im looking forward to this weekend. relaxing. school is gonna kick my ass this semester and two of my probably most time-consuming classes i havent even had yet. my bowling class is a combined intermediate/advanced class. we have to maintain an average above 120. i was intimidated at first, but i realized 120 is not so bad. especially once i learn all the fancy techniques. we are also going to have to compete amongst eachother in individual and team competitions. kinda scary. and my running class... man. why did i sign up for this class again? we have to jog around the campus! around the perimeter. so please, if you see me, dont laugh at me. :) oh well. at least i will be getting in awesome shape. i need to buy running shoes. dsw here i come. hopefully i wont be tempted to buy other cute girly shoes... cuz im going through MAJOR fucking shoe withdrawals.

two shows that were just announced that i might want to go to:
death cab for cutie/stars @ the warfield: 11/13.
broken social scene @ grand ballroom: 11/9.

anchor steam brewery tour is tomorrow, so today is my friday! :)

this blog is all over the place. time to go.

i love the arcade fire and im glad ive seen them twice already or else those craigslisters might have a sucker-customer. tho.. they are fucking rad live...


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